Special Report

 Ely, Elko, Carlin and Wells: First Impressions of Seven Houses of Ill Repute


Reporter: Rand McNally
Date Received: August 9, 2009


This report summarizes visits to seven northeastern Nevada brothels during July 2009. It contains no reviews of sex providers, but does contain price information. In many cases it reflects only a single visit, and is thus biased by limited experience as well as my preferences. Regular habitués of these brothels will find little of interest in this report, which is aimed at potential first time visitors.

I found all of the house websites to be of little use. Lineups were usually out of date and photos often absent. The main use the websites have is phone numbers and street addresses—information readily available from other sources.

ELY: The Big 4 and The Stardust

I’ve visited both of these places in the past. Rather than brothels per se, they are more like bars featuring prostitutes, akin to the prewar casino-saloon-cathouses of Las Vegas’s Block 16. Both are casual working men’s bars where one can drink a beer and shoot the breeze without being pressured to party. To me their chief appeal is being only a four block walk from the Hotel Nevada, a fabulous old piece of history. Although located in town, both brothels offer parking for large trucks.

The Big 4 and the adjoining massage parlor are apparently co-owned; twice I’ve had girls mention they worked in both places. On this trip I was quoted $70 for a one hour massage by a lady who worked as both a masseuse and sex provider. I confirmed the massage did not include sexual acts. The same lady quoted me $200 for a twenty minute party; a year earlier I was quoted the same price for the same amount of time by a different Big 4 provider. The Big 4 opens about 2PM. In my experience, depending on the time of day there are from one to three working girls available. I would describe the back rooms as run-down—and I don’t consider myself picky.

The Stardust is the smaller of the two brothels, located diagonally across the street. During my visits there were typically two sex providers working. I’ve spent less time at the Stardust than at the Big 4. This may be just me, but after three visits the bartenders in the Big 4 seem more ready to talk to strangers.

CARLIN:  The Dovetail Ranch

This is a faux-log cabin with a bar in front and work spaces in the rear. The bar was clean and well maintained. My sense was that the two sex providers I met were running the show with no assistance. If necessary I would have paid to avoid having sex with either of them, so I made my excuses and left.

I was so disappointed by the Dovetail that I skipped Sharon’s, a few hundred yards up the highway. Earlier I’d phoned; the lady answering sounded as if she was in her eighties. When I asked how many girls were available, there was a pause, and then in a bellicose tone she answered, “Well, how many do you need?” She then told me she had two providers, including “a blonde with big breasts.”  Silly me—I may have missed meeting my soul mate.

ELKO:  Mona’s Ranch and Sues Fantasy Club.

I didn’t visit the two all-oriental houses in Elko, Inez’s and the No1 Geisha House. At one time in my life oriental sex providers who spoke broken English were the only game in town, and I don’t care to be reminded of those days. I’m not sure if the No.1 Geisha is open; there were three different sets of operating hours posted. What I particularly liked about Elko was the convenient two block walk from the Stockman’s Hotel, an accommodation I found far more ambient than a big box chain, and reasonably priced. My only complaint was that the table ware in the coffee shop was consistently dirty.

Mona’s is housed in an old building, with a nicely redecorated interior. They open at 2PM, but when I stopped in during mid-afternoon, I was told there were no girls available. When I returned later, the formidable bartender/ Madame called a lineup before the door had closed behind me, brushing aside my protest that I wanted to sit down for a moment at the bar and collect my wits. The lineup consisted of four attractive providers, two of whom stayed afterwards and chatted with me for some time.

Sue’s Fantasy Club is next door. It is a physically more modest facility than Mona’s but perfectly satisfactory. Unlike Monas, Sues is open 24/7, but like Mona's one's selection of companions may be limited during the off hours. Genise, the bartender/Madame, is a treasure—unlike her brusque counterpart next door, she made me feel totally welcome, with no pressure to party, or even buy a drink. It was mid afternoon and only one of the four ladies in the house was available--but she was my kind of gal. I spent an extremely pleasant half hour chatting with her and Genise in the bar before going on tour. Sues’ has the usual specialty room, with a hot tub and a massage table, for those who like that sort of thing.

During our tour we concluded a very laid back negotiation, with no monitoring; apparently the house isn’t worried about short booking. On the way to my new friend’s work space, we stopped by the bar, where I paid Genise and watched while she wrote up the ticket. I found this refreshingly open compared to the secretive routine practiced by some houses. The lady’s room, although modest, was nicely decorated, and the lady was a total delight.

The next day, having recharged my batteries, I re-visited Mona’s. Having learned from the first visit, I waited until the dinner hour, and enjoyed an extremely pleasant time with one of Mona’s providers. I never did get a tour, but my new friend's room were nicely decorated. I was pleased to find the brusque bartender of the previous day replaced by a warm and friendly woman, whom my companion said was a retired working girl.

WELLS: Bella’s Hacienda and Donna’s Ranch.

If Wells offers visitors anything besides commercial sex, I missed it. Like so many towns bypassed by the interstate, its slowly dying, a process hastened by the earthquake of a few years ago which devastated the historic downtown area. Lodging consisted of vintage 1950s motels—I stayed at the Sharon, a clean, no frills, no smoking place, for $36.  For those who want more than basic lodging I suggest commuting from Elko.

Ambience-wise the Wells brothels are average—and perfectly satisfactory for their purpose. I’d estimate the two houses between them had a total of around thirty sex providers. I found a number of them attractive, but sensed that overall the Wells ladies were somewhat higher mileage than their Elko counterparts.

My single visit to Donna’s was marred by a fatuous ass sitting at the bar who badgered everyone coming in to call a lineup—and then made loud wise cracks about each woman. Within fifteen minutes there were three lineups, with the ladies looking progressively more pissed off. By the third lineup one of the eight providers in the lineup didn’t bother to return. After lineups the providers immediately disappeared.—I’m not sure whether this was house policy, or if they were simply disgusted with the clown at the bar.

The bartender/cashier wasn’t overly friendly—although in fairness, she had to deal with the jackass at the bar. When I asked about off-shift providers, she said there was a photo album—but that customers could only see it during the daytime. Not sure what that was about. I declined the offer of a free bowl of chili and went across the parking lot.

I found Bella’s to have an appreciably more comfortable atmosphere. On both of my visits different female bartender/cashiers made me feel welcome. There were over a dozen providers in the house, working staggered shifts—but off-shift ladies were available by request. I found Bella’s providers particularly willing to spend a long time talking with one at the bar without pressuring to party. During my tour I was shown a well equipped dungeon—for those who may be into such stuff.


From what I was quoted and what I spent, I sense that the standard in the Elko-Wells area is $100 per fifteen minute increment of time—in fact, one lady told me that was house policy. I didn’t ask about $100 quickies—but $200 half-hour parties were readily available; from there one can interpolate. None of the providers I encountered suffered from the Golden Genital Syndrome—that is, no one began  negotiations by demanding four figures.


For those interested in scenery, stop in Ely. For those interested solely in sex, skip Ely and Carlin, stay in Elko, and make a side trip to Wells. Your perceptions of these brothels may differ from mine—but with so many houses and women concentrated in a short area, how can one lose? 

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