Author Topic: out dates ?  (Read 7736 times)

bungalow bill

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Re: out dates ?
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2012, 08:50:40 AM »
if you're in a position where you can blow 15 grand the way most of us spend five bux......there's nothing wrong with that scenario at all. 

East Coast Guy

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Re: out dates ?
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2012, 09:14:26 AM »
ok so let's look at it this way. Let's say you got money not saying you guys don't but lets say you are wealthy not rich but wealthy. You meet a really hot girl like Ruby. She is great you have a good time at the brothel and she is the type of person you want to go hang out with for a day in anywhere in Nevada. She has seen you a few times and has a good sense of who you are A good Guy. You share a few common interests in say Archetecture and ART You want to take her in your private jet to hoover dam and spend the day with her at the Bellagio at an art show. Why not take her on an outdate and have a blast with a cool hot chick.

That sounds like fun but for me (and I can't speak for others) it would be a matter of allocation of funds.   I used to fly out to Reno 1X-2X/year.  Each time I'd have a brothel budget of around $4K.   That $4K would pay for part of the outdate you describe.   I'd rather apply the money to multiple parties then to spend it all on one outdate with less rolling in the hay.    That's not to say we wouldn't have a fun day but the Art show wouldn't get my libido going as much as spending intimate time with a lovely lady.    A second example of this, for me at least, are 3-ways.    I think they're fun but I prefer being with one woman at a time.  That's just the way my mind thinks.   Now, a 3-way is going to cost at least 2X what a party with a single woman would.   I would rather spend 2X the time with 1 woman the half the time with 2.  Keep in mind, I'm spending the roughly same amount of money each trip but using it more efficiently.   

East Coast Guy


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Re: out dates ?
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2012, 09:19:57 AM »
during my visit to Nevada, yeah, I want to go to a show, but I don't want to go alone, so, if i can, I would like to take someone

that said I don't have 5k+ to spend on an outdate... if it is within my budget, I would gladly take someone I like and find attractive to see a show that I don't want to see alone.  doesn't mean i'm a sucker.
if I get quotes that are beyond my means, then so be it, no outdate, no show... I'll just spend the time at the ranch instead.


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Re: out dates ?
« Reply #18 on: November 06, 2012, 09:36:52 AM »
When I was doing my brothel tours of all the Mound House brothels last summer, I was quoted $13,000 as the minimum for an outdate. $17,000 for an overnight. I should have asked all the ladies I saw that day, but at the time I didn't realize how much prices could vary.

Had you partied with those ladies before? Most ladies are probably not comfortable with having an outdate or overnight with guy who they don't know, so not having an outdate/overnight with unknown guy or at least putting the price so high that there is no way the customer is carrying that amount of cash, thus forcing him to use more traceable payment methods, to increase their security.


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Re: out dates ?
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2012, 09:37:38 AM »
When I was doing my brothel tours of all the Mound House brothels last summer, I was quoted $13,000 as the minimum for an outdate. $17,000 for an overnight. I should have asked all the ladies I saw that day, but at the time I didn't realize how much prices could vary.

Had you partied with those ladies before? Most ladies are probably not comfortable with having an outdate or overnight with guy who they don't know, so not having an outdate/overnight with unknown guy or at least putting the price so high that there is no way the customer is carrying that amount of cash, thus forcing him to use more traceable payment methods, to increase their security.

(to continue)

was probably the point of that high price.

bungalow bill

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Re: out dates ?
« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2012, 10:04:46 AM »
Crumb.....key phrase....."if an outdate is within my budget...."

There's the rub, bub. Outdates are rarely within a normal mongers budget.  They KILL you to take a girl off the premises.  Obvious reason.....they dont want to have to worry about safety, security, and you being some kind of creep.  So a great strategy is.....charge so much to take her away that most guys, those who aren't whales, just immediately say, "fuck it.  Let's go to your room and boink!" 

Ruby Rae

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Re: out dates ?
« Reply #21 on: November 06, 2012, 11:37:09 AM »
Crumb.....key phrase....."if an outdate is within my budget...."

There's the rub, bub. Outdates are rarely within a normal mongers budget.  They KILL you to take a girl off the premises.  Obvious reason.....they dont want to have to worry about safety, security, and you being some kind of creep.  So a great strategy is.....charge so much to take her away that most guys, those who aren't whales, just immediately say, "fuck it.  Let's go to your room and boink!"

Wait, so how is that a scam? or sucker's play? It makes perfect sense to me why outdates would a more pricey activity.

and going along with what Emery said, just because some guys don't care only about sex when coming to a brothel does NOT mean that outdates are a waste of time or sucker's play for everyone. Different strokes for different folks! If they have the money, want to have an awesome experience that goes outside of just having bedroom fun, then why the heck not?



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Re: out dates ?
« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2012, 04:22:06 PM »
When I was doing my brothel tours of all the Mound House brothels last summer, I was quoted $13,000 as the minimum for an outdate. $17,000 for an overnight. I should have asked all the ladies I saw that day, but at the time I didn't realize how much prices could vary.

Had you partied with those ladies before? Most ladies are probably not comfortable with having an outdate or overnight with guy who they don't know, so not having an outdate/overnight with unknown guy or at least putting the price so high that there is no way the customer is carrying that amount of cash, thus forcing him to use more traceable payment methods, to increase their security.

(to continue)

was probably the point of that high price.

No, I hadn't. I don't know if it makes a difference but I was clear that I was only asking for general information for future reference. I just wanted to get some idea because of that whole we don't discuss prices outside the bedroom rule. Her response was obviously intended to discourage that line of thought. On the other hand, her per hour rates were down right reasonable. At least for a newbie.

bungalow bill

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Re: out dates ?
« Reply #23 on: November 07, 2012, 06:30:08 AM »
I think you're a sucker.....if you blow four grand on an outdate to take a girl out to eat and see a show. Are you that desperate for a trophy on your arm?

For that money, you can four KILLER dates in one of the hot tub suites at the LRN.  and get to spend 1-2 hours with your dream babe in there.  Now THAT'S a much smarter way to play!  And WAY more bang for your buck!  And eating BEFORE sex.....bad strategy, physiologically speaking.

But if outdates float your boat, fine.  If you DO want the arm candy....if you DO want the illusion perpetrated that this girl is "your woman".....dandy.  Like cobia said to each his own.  I just think there are better ways to blow your wad......


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Re: out dates ?
« Reply #24 on: November 07, 2012, 07:27:35 AM »
Have recieved a lot of information and opinions thank you. The reason I brought up this subject a friend told me he was doing an outdate with a lady from a southern house that doesn't offer them. Thought he was just bragging her schedule changed to match his trip dates. Now he is out there and schedual changed agin. When I asked about it he said what they don't know won't hurt them. I'm not a snitch and I know things like this with no names bother this board. Thought about partying with her but not now. Just wondering what would happen if she got caught? Is this common? I think she and he are stupid. Have thoght a long time before I brought this up.                                                                                                                                  100%maverick

Ruby Rae

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Re: out dates ?
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2012, 08:57:54 AM »
It all depends on what the client is looking for. As for most sexual Bang for your buck, I don't see why you would do an out date. But if you want to be seen with serious eye candy on your arm and the sex side is not your primary concern, then if you can afford it, go for it if it makes you happy!

THANK YOU. Just because outdates don't float everyone's boat does NOT mean they are a waste of time or not a good idea for some people! Some guys are not looking for just sex, and they should not be called stupid or suckers for wanting something different.

Ruby Rae

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Re: out dates ?
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2012, 09:05:38 AM »
I think you're a sucker.....if you blow four grand on an outdate to take a girl out to eat and see a show. Are you that desperate for a trophy on your arm?

You know, that comment really saddens me. I see a lot of men who have been single their whole lives. Never been married, never even had a serious girlfriend, and have only had sex maybe a couple of times. They have never taken a woman out on the town and wine and dined her. They have never had the opportunity because maybe they are disabled, they are anti-social, have a lot of baggage from the past because of personal issues, etc. It is unlikely for them to go out and get a date with a nice, attractive, intelligent, sociable woman. That is why these men blow four grand or more on outdates, overnights, etc., to enhance the whole experience. It's not necessarily about being seen with me, or any other lady. It's not an ego thing. They want the experience because they've never had it, and hopefully, through dates with me and time behind closed doors, they will gain that confidence they need and actually feel comfortable out in public with a woman so that in the future, when they aren't seeing me anymore, they can do it in the real world.

THAT is why outdates are NOT sucker's play. Just because you place a priority on sex does not mean other gentlemen do, or that their reasons for not are stupid.

Cosmo, you know I like you, but I just couldn't let this one go. I see too many gentlemen who fit the above, and I care about them. 

bungalow bill

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Re: out dates ?
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2012, 09:11:51 AM »
ok, ruby.....uncle!  i submit!  and i wouldn't mind doing an LR suite!   ;)

Ruby Rae

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Re: out dates ?
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2012, 09:16:08 AM »
ok, ruby.....uncle!  i submit!  and i wouldn't mind doing an LR suite!   ;)

Hahaha, agree to disagree!


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Re: out dates ?
« Reply #29 on: November 09, 2012, 03:32:10 AM »
thanks lpinnewb gives me somthing to think about.