Author Topic: How about an Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market?  (Read 13375 times)

East Coast Guy

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How about an Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market?
« on: June 01, 2013, 06:57:12 AM »
Happy weekend everyone! 

I was looking at the lovely women in the new website for Inez's and had a thought.   How would an Asian themed brothel go over in a larger market then Elko?   I should say not IN a big city, but just outside the city like the brothels do now.  I'm attracted to Asian women as I know a few other Mongers are as well.    But, would the brothel be able to attract enough quality Asian women to work there and enough horny men attracted to them to make it feasible?   

I'll give you an example of what I think might be a successful Asian brothel:

We all know Dennis Hof bought the Old Kit Kat in Moundhouse.   The renovation and reopening is pending with details not available at the present moment.     What if Dennis opened up an Asian themed brothel there?   He could even make it look like a Geisha House.  (How about calling it the Geisha Ranch)   He certainly has the deep pockets to set it up right and get it off to a good start.    In this particular situation being Asian themed, he would set it apart from the 2 other houses he has close by and would be in less competition with them or (better said) with himself and the women who work there.     

Personally, I think it would be a good idea but might take a while to get moving along to its full potential.  Afterall, something with a theme as strong as this does have a bit of a niche market and it would take time to get the word out.     

Anyway, I thought I'd throw this out for everyones consideration and see what the responses are.   

East Coast Guy
« Last Edit: June 01, 2013, 06:59:17 AM by East Coast Guy »

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Re: How about an Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market?
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2013, 07:19:52 AM »
Here is one place where I agree with Sidewinder (kind of).   I think brothels should have all types of women, white, black, asian, latina, tall, short, large, small, etc.   Having a singular theme cuts out a lot of business.   I partied once at Inez's but it's not for me.    My personal opinion is that the $300/hour price tag attracts more visitors than the asian theme.


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Re: How about an Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market?
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2013, 08:04:36 AM »
I am all for that, as long as they don't smoke. All the gals I have met cling to their packs of cigarettes.

East Coast Guy

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Re: How about an Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market?
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2013, 08:28:52 AM »
Here is one place where I agree with Sidewinder (kind of).   I think brothels should have all types of women, white, black, asian, latina, tall, short, large, small, etc.   Having a singular theme cuts out a lot of business.   I partied once at Inez's but it's not for me.    My personal opinion is that the $300/hour price tag attracts more visitors than the asian theme.

You bring up a good point with the $300 pricing and I agree with having the different choices you mention but, in my example of Moundhouse with 4 brothels in close proxmity, it gets close to being one large house, with choices, separated by a 5 minute car drive.   There certainly is a fine selection there but how does a house distinguish itself from the others?   

East Coast Guy


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Re: How about an Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market?
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2013, 10:32:58 AM »
After being with over twenty women at various brothels over the years, I have had my best brothel experiences at Inez's in Elko. Sue's across the street is also good, it's just that for the same price, I like the women at Inez's even better.

As far as the role of $ 300 an hour, that INITIALLY got me to explore those brothels. And I was cynical and disillusioned because of my expensive but disappointing Sheri's experiences. So I went to Elko thinking that I would get a cheap but mediocre party. Boy, was I surprised!
The quality and enthusiasm of the parties brought me back. I wouldn't drive through the Nevada outback to a dismal town just to get a $ 300 party. I spent over three thousand in the two Elko brothels in April, so I don't go there to be cheap--especially considering that I still have seven Sheri's hotel coupons left.

I wish the owners of the Asian brothels would consider extending to southern Nevada. They could double their prices and still do well.

Banned Member 1, smoking is not allowed at both Inez's and Sue's. Whereas Asian men tend to be heavy smokers, for cultural reasons, Asian-born women tend to be nonsmokers.

I prefer Asian women, but I've partied with all types. I think a lot of guys like the Asian brothels because of the superior customer service and the APPRECIATION that these places show their customers, not necessarily because they're Asian. They're not luxurious places with pool tables, water fountains, gazebos and pianos and paintings on the wall, so they have to make up for that in the bedroom--where it counts.

This issue shows the vital importance of location, location, location. Sheri's has the most ideal location--it can't help but get a steady stream of Newbies. But it has been a disappointing experience for me, especially with the Asian women.

Meanwhile, there are great brothels in Elko, but they're in the coldest, most far away part of Nevada.

Speed Racer

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Re: How about an Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market?
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2013, 04:51:32 PM »
Nothing wrong with having an Asian-themed brothel, or with a client having a preference for ladies of such heritage, but in my book any house that exclusively hires Asian women as courtesans is racist! Sorry, but my business will continue to go to brothels that hire working women of any and all races, ethnicities, nationalities, & heritages.

Speed Racer


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Re: How about an Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market?
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2013, 05:04:07 PM »
I'd go to an all-Asian house.  Variety of ethnicity would be good too: Thai, Vietnamese, Korean.  I've always thought if they had an all-Asian house in the Reno area, they could set a set price around $400 or $500 and still do well. 

$300 is a great bargain for mongers, but perhaps a bit under-priced.  Though maybe that's the price that the Elko market can sustain, and that's why the price is what it is.  I didn't go there because of the price.  When I lived in Vegas, a $300 party itself wasn't worth the 6 1/2 hour (one way) drive plus hotel, gas, and meals.  In fact, for the cost of that two day minimum mini-vacation, it was just as economical to go to a Southern brothel for one party, plus I got to sleep in my own bed that same night.  I enjoyed the girls and the parties at Inez's, and that is why I went.  The price wasn't the main factor, as I also traveled to the Reno area and paid more for a party than could be had in Elko.

Offline Armond

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Re: How about an Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market?
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2013, 05:18:15 PM »
Square pussy

Golden Slumbers

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Re: How about an Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market?
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2013, 06:11:34 PM »
Nothing wrong with having an Asian-themed brothel, or with a client having a preference for ladies of such heritage, but in my book any house that exclusively hires Asian women as courtesans is racist!

I had never thought about that, but that is probably true.  Or if not racist, at least discriminatory.  After all, an employer is not legally supposed to be able to discriminate based on race when hiring.  Another example is that you don't see middle-aged waitresses at Hooters.

But I think their response would be that they aren't discriminating because a non-Asian can still get a job there.  They can be a bartender, housekeeper, cashier, cook, or whatever.  Then there's the "independent contractor" issue.  Perhaps the same labor laws don't apply since the working girls aren't technically employees.


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Re: How about an Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market?
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2013, 10:47:56 PM »
It wouldn't work. Too many AMP's that provide service at a very reasonable prices in major cities. In Vegas, they're on almost every corner.  You know, the AMP's in the strip malls with the blackened out windows and a neon sign that says massage?  The ones that are open till 2 or 3 in the morning? Yep, that's the ones.

Also, if there were Asian themed brothels in near major cities in Nevada and they did not give the same prices as those in Elko, how much business would they have?


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Re: How about an Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market?
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2013, 11:22:49 PM »
I agree with sidewinder, they are everywhere. In my opinion, the best thing about the brothel (Sheri's) is the variety! We have Asian, white, black, Hispanic, and virtually every combo!

Offline bones

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Re: How about an Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market?
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2013, 08:45:21 AM »
My view tends to find agreement with IB, in general that the urban places have priced themselves to an extent out of the market. So any that quote beyond his estimate (though I think it a tad high for most) I simply just walk taking my $$ with me to another more reasonable location.

As to using a single theme for a house isn't bad at all. But everyone has to consider this one thought would the theme be broken or deminished to any extent by having providers of all ethnic backgrounds present? A few also seem to forget how many various Asian ethnic backgrounds there are though general appearance is similar.

East Coast Guy

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Re: How about an Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market?
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2013, 10:10:41 AM »
After reading Speed Racers post above, it got me thinking which, is always a good thing.   If women of varying genetic backgrounds worked in an Asian themed brothel would it be a bad thing?  I don't think it would be bad at all.   Choice is always good and the house would be more inviting to someone who may not prefer an Asian lady that day.   

Getting back to the basics of this thread, I still think an Asian themed brothel has a market.   Keep in mind, I say theme meaning general atmosphere like interior/exterior design and with a good selection of hot Asian and other women at a reasonable price.   How large or small is this market is the question.   

I'd love to see someone take a calculated risk, think out of the box, stir up the pot, and be successful at this.   

East Coast Guy   

ancient mariner

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Re: How about an Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market?
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2013, 01:54:09 PM »
take a calculated risk, think out of the box, stir up the pot, and be successful at this.   

I think I just won at buzzword bingo :)

Somehow the phrase "I love you, no shit, buy me a Honda" keeps coming to mind whenever I read this thread.....

tyler durden

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Re: How about an Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market?
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2013, 03:58:54 PM »
Asian themed brothel in a larger NV market = LV Chinatown massage parlors