Author Topic: Sheri's Ladies more strict?  (Read 16063 times)


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Re: Sheri's Ladies more strict?
« Reply #75 on: %761 %28, %2014, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
The Hound speaks the truth. May I call you the Hound sir?

Nice try. But you know damn well that you're just trying to get him to call you Khaleesi.

I was hoping for Mother of Dragons, but Khaleesi works, too!


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Re: Sheri's Ladies more strict?
« Reply #76 on: %768 %28, %2014, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
Settle on Mother of Mongers?


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Re: Sheri's Ladies more strict?
« Reply #77 on: %819 %28, %2014, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
If you got a BBBJ, you gave it to yourself.

That is pretty funny.

If y'all could give yourself a bbbj would y'all swallow?


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Re: Sheri's Ladies more strict?j
« Reply #78 on: %852 %28, %2014, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
Yup, that's what I thought. When confronted with having to show the logic behind your lies, you run away.

So, according to you. If a guy at a Hof brothel get's one restraining order against him from a lady, he's allowed back in to get seven more! All the while, he might just happen to beat the shit of a Hof girl as you say, but is welcomed back in to beat up another one?

My last party at a Hof house was in Feb. 2013 with Natalia. So, when did all this take place then?

In his mind.
In his fabrications.
In his exaggerations.
In his dreams he has of you.

I am sure Dennis appreciated your support of Slednx. Maybe you should beg Dennis to allow him back again, so you  two can have a limp Nuru special???

Boy, you certainly know how to undermine his business and can't even stick up for your very own Madam. Such a loyal worker.

What happened between them is their business. I stayed out of that mess.
I wouldn't beg D for anyone to come back when it wasn't my business. But I
Definitely had conversations with him about you.
How do you see I am "undermining" business? I am in fact Loyal, Dennis and Sonja both know this.
They could of dropped me years ago if this was not true.

Keep the lies coming. What us your obsession? Do you want to BE Sled?