Author Topic: IF  (Read 1886 times)


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Re: IF
« Reply #15 on: %735 %20, %2014, %1:%Oct:%th %-07:00 »
It makes sense that if it were legalized in other states, like gambling, that the price would go down.  But I haven't noticed that as far as casinos go.  [Perhaps it could be promoted because the taxes, after all, would go to help fund education, like lottery money does].  If, after a while, the customer base dropped off, the prices would logically fall, too.  I don't imagine I'd be around long enough to see that happen. 

I can see pimps getting involved and getting a cut (and as a result, inflating prices) and once government gets their hooks in, they would also inflate prices.  On the other hand, if it were legal every place, larger cities would definitely have the finer women and higher prices, the smaller towns and rural locations, the less attractive ladies and probably cheaper prices.  Doubtless, it would spell doom and gloom for some of the rural Nevada houses we have all grown to know and love. 

And overriding all of this, any time government gets involved in business, the unlikeliest of spin-offs will occur. Can you imagine the public backlash that will occur when a slew of young, just-out-of-high-school girls decide to get in the business?  Or when some not-quite-out-of-high-school girls decide that it would be a good way to earn money (better than a car wash or bake sale) [think "Risky Business"]?  Or a bored house wife (I assume that they still exist) takes up the hobby to supplement the household income -- what happens if the husband finds out or protests?  Fun points for conjecture.


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Re: IF
« Reply #16 on: %743 %20, %2014, %1:%Oct:%th %-07:00 »
Just suppose,  "IF"  prostitution were legal in every state and we're not talking about the Nevada monopoly style of prostitution either, what do you think prices would be like?  ::)

All depends upon the quality.

People will pay more to fuck and 8,9 or ten.

The novelty will wear off and it would have more of a stigma if the providers were all fat or ugly.

Holdem AKQJ

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Re: IF
« Reply #17 on: %972 %20, %2014, %1:%Oct:%th %-07:00 »
In Calif with medical marijuana, you can grow your own. I would expect if prostitution were legal without having the Nevada style. There might be far fewer taxes. You have to remember, in Nevada, the only purpose of having legal prostitution is to raise tax revenue.

  So there should be a campaign started for medical mongering and maybe they would make it legal!!!

Offline Canoe

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Re: IF
« Reply #18 on: %978 %20, %2014, %1:%Oct:%th %-07:00 »
In the UK and the Netherlands, the social welfare system does pay for hookers...

Medical mongering might make me support Obamacare... no, no it wouldn't.

Offline georoc01

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Re: IF
« Reply #19 on: %036 %20, %2014, %1:%Oct:%th %-07:00 »
In Calif with medical marijuana, you can grow your own. I would expect if prostitution were legal without having the Nevada style. There might be far fewer taxes. You have to remember, in Nevada, the only purpose of having legal prostitution is to raise tax revenue.

And if prostitution was legal, you could still have free sex. But as soon as it becomes a commercial venture, the government wants their share through taxation, and when it comes to SIN taxes, whether it be cigarettes, alcohol or pot, they are much higher than the overall tax rate.

Oh I'm sure it would be sold as to go to enforcement to eliminate child prostitution or human slavery. But I really can't see it getting cheaper under legalization.

Decriminalization otoh would be far more likely to lead to lower prices as it keeps the government out of the bedroom.

Offline Y-Hntr

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Re: IF
« Reply #20 on: %217 %21, %2014, %1:%Oct:%st %-07:00 »
Just suppose,  "IF"  prostitution were legal in every state and we're not talking about the Nevada monopoly style of prostitution either, what do you think prices would be like?  ::)

What is, it is, not what if.  Do you really have to pay the un-affordable, you ain't retired, maybe from LPIN, but not from the get go.   Your kind-a sex has never been cheaper, thank the Chinese!


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Re: IF
« Reply #21 on: %615 %22, %2014, %1:%Oct:%nd %-07:00 »
Well, I was talking about the rpices of legal prostitution, not illegal prostitution.

Offline Y-Hntr

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Re: IF
« Reply #22 on: %669 %22, %2014, %1:%Oct:%nd %-07:00 »
Well, I was talking about the rpices of legal prostitution, not illegal prostitution.
A lil **, though technically illegal, is no biggie.  Google up and try finding out how many customers of these Happy places were arrested, while getting it, in Sacto last year, answer almost Zero risk.  It is the most easily available, widely practiced, safest and cheapest sex-act period!
For most of us supply has created it's own demand, can't beat getting an hour of kick-ass-happy massage and then finishing off with a nice steak dinner for about a Benjamin!