Author Topic: Better late than never - pricing survey  (Read 22449 times)

Offline RihannaLovely

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Re: Better late than never - pricing survey
« Reply #45 on: %145 %19, %2015, %0:%Jan:%th %-08:00 »
%145 %19, %2015, %0:%Jan:%th %-08:00 - Hidden.


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Re: Better late than never - pricing survey
« Reply #46 on: %227 %19, %2015, %0:%Jan:%th %-08:00 »
I have been accused and harassed by other girls for refusing to quote a minimum rate as high as they wanted.  I am not going to be out to drain a client of every penny he has like some of the other prima donna divas want to.  I have had other girls make remarks to me about lowering the reputation of the house by not using outrageously high rates. Last time I checked, I am considered an independent contractor and I am not going to drive away clients with the "Golden Genital" syndrome. If they want to do things like that, fine.  I however don't want a reputation like that and I am not going to be a part of it.  Clients who have partied with me will verify that my rates are lower than the "average".  I still consider them to be fair to me and also fair to the client which is the way it should be.

Underlined by me.

Did you know that you could drive a point home without insulting your coworkers?

I'm glad that you are earning a satisfying income charging what you'd like for your parties. . . but the other ladies ALSO have the right to earn a satisfying income charging what they'd like for their parties.

When you refer to the ladies who are earning more than you as "prima donna divas" with "golden genital syndrome", you really just come off as bitter and jealous. It's a bit hypocritical to complain in one breath about being "bullied" for your prices, while bullying others for their prices in the next breath.

And the text in Red is underlined by me.

You chose to mount a personal attack against Abby here, whereas she used the word 'some' without naming anyone specifically.  She didn't say that ALL of her coworkers were bullying her, and she is the one (according to her account) being bullied for wanting to charge her own rates, not you.

With the presumption that what Abby has said is true, I'd guess that she's been staying busy and scoring a lot of parties, while the other ladies have essentially been NOT scoring parties.  If that is indeed the case, I can see the other ladies getting worried because they aren't willing to compete at Abby's level.  It doesn't matter what a lady would like to charge if nobody is willing to pay that rate, especially if a better deal is at hand. 

SOME ladies might call that dirty hustling, but that term usually applies to more aggressive tactics than simply setting your own rates (i.e. it usually refers to deliberately targetting another ladies' regular clients with the intention of taking said clients away)

You are free to have 'golden genital syndrome' if you so wish, and/or charge whatever you'd like.  As customers we as individuals are free to accept or reject any rate you offer.  Of course, last I checked, you weren't working at any houses at any rate, so your opinion r.e. what you'd like to charge has no real bearing in this forum, until such time as you are a licensed prostitite currently working in the State Of Nevada at a brothel.  The economics have changed, as George Flint regularly likes to point out in various recent articles.

This also applies to Sidewinder, btw.  As far as pricing, his opinion ceased being relevant over a decade ago, as he hasn't partied at a brothel in years, hence he's no longer a participant in this hobby, just an opinionated bystander...

You've been doing some bullying of your own calling us all liars for telling it like it is.  And I've called you on it on at least one occasion - Inez's charging more than $300/hr for a regular party?  They have posted prices which they honor regularly ya know!  There are several dozen Mongers here which can verify that, as they've personally partied at Inez's.  Also, a number of ladies at nearby houses (within walking distance of Inez's) also charge a similar rate (in the $300/hr neighborhood), simply because they KNOW that they are in competition with Inez's, so if they want more customers they need to be competitive in order to survive - or instead they may choose to work in other areas of Nevada where the competition isn't as fierce. 

Of course if you'd like to call those several dozen Mongers that have partied at Inez's, and that have publicly verified the $300/hr rate on this board and in their reviews, liars...

You must REALLY feel threatened by the gals that are willing to charge what they think is fair (if that rate is lower than what YOU think it should be), to make such a big deal about this.  True, not every gal charges less than say $500/hr when the situation warrants it ( a number of ladies known to a number of members here are also known to charge significantly more), but a significant number of ladies currently do party at $500/hr or less with a number of Mongers here. This is simply different gals catering to different budgets; as independent contractors that's their call, not yours.  Make your own calls r.e. YOUR prices and stay out of the other ladies' business.

And this board exists partly to make customers looking for good deals aware of where they might be found (through referrals, reviews, etc.), as well as to get the word out r.e. what to expect in this hobby r.e. pricing, activities, customer privacy, etc.. 

We make no bones about pointing out the more expensive providers as well as the more affordable ones, and I'm sure a good number of us paid more for their first party in LPIN than they are currently paying.  Which is why you see YMMV (your mileage may vary) so much in reviews and such, because we know that each negotiation is different, and that rates can vary due to a number of factors (hygeine, attitude, etc.).  That being said, for those of us that have been paying attention, we can usually find the quality ladies at reasonable rates, which is why the pricing survey might be a little lower than what YOU might expect.  A lady working at a ranch ISN'T automatically 'Monger certified', she needs to earn that distinction...

Despite statements to the contrary, we KNOW that a number of you ladies talk to each other on occasion about customers and what we as specific individuals pay.  Turnabout is fair play, as customers we talk too, and us hobbyists will continue to compare rates as well.  Sure, some customers are more generous than others, but that's our business.  We are free as individuals to offer what we feel is fair, and (as suppposedly independent contractors) you are free to accept or reject whatever we may choose to offer.  It's a business transaction, pure and simple, and in business you want the best deal you can get, on either side of the equation.

The Pricing Survey exists SPECIFICALLY for this purpose, because pricing (i.e. average rates, as well as the high and low rates) shouldn't be a big secret...  The Survey isn't 100% foolproof, but so far I've personally had no reason to question it, as the rates I've partied at are in line with, sometimes a tad lower than, what the survey says.  Of course, I've never accepted $1G/hr+ parties ever (unless 2+ gals were involved), as I KNOW that once you get a reputation as a high roller, the ladies will talk....   As an experienced Monger on a budget, I do my homework shopping for the best deals with quality ladies, hence the tad lower thing.  Anyone serious about this hobby should be doing their homework in any case, so they can stretch their party dollars.  Better deals means more parties for those of us with fixed yearly party budgets and that visit the brothels regularly.

Of course, if you'd like to continue calling a number of us liars, that'd be your call.  That may harm your own credibility, but that's your call.  Personal attacks are never cool...


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Re: Better late than never - pricing survey
« Reply #47 on: %242 %19, %2015, %0:%Jan:%th %-08:00 »
I have been accused and harassed by other girls for refusing to quote a minimum rate as high as they wanted.  I am not going to be out to drain a client of every penny he has like some of the other prima donna divas want to.  I have had other girls make remarks to me about lowering the reputation of the house by not using outrageously high rates. Last time I checked, I am considered an independent contractor and I am not going to drive away clients with the "Golden Genital" syndrome. If they want to do things like that, fine.  I however don't want a reputation like that and I am not going to be a part of it.  Clients who have partied with me will verify that my rates are lower than the "average".  I still consider them to be fair to me and also fair to the client which is the way it should be.

Underlined by me.

Did you know that you could drive a point home without insulting your coworkers?

I'm glad that you are earning a satisfying income charging what you'd like for your parties. . . but the other ladies ALSO have the right to earn a satisfying income charging what they'd like for their parties.

When you refer to the ladies who are earning more than you as "prima donna divas" with "golden genital syndrome", you really just come off as bitter and jealous. It's a bit hypocritical to complain in one breath about being "bullied" for your prices, while bullying others for their prices in the next breath.
Last time I checked, you are not my co-worker nor did I name anyone that was.  Easy for you to sit on the sidelines and throw your 2 cents worth in when you are not even working at a house.  Guess some people who have moved on still have a need to post on here and can't handle the fact that they are not relevant to anything going on at the houses or with the clients who may go to them.  Anybody who has been at any house before knows there are always some girls with a Diva attitude who thinks each client should drain his bank account for a moment of her time.  I would not want to be treated that way and I am sure not going to treat someone else that way.  I have regular clients that I truly enjoy just sitting and talking with before or after a party.  I find them to be enjoyable and nice people.  I prefer to see them as a person. Not a bank account to drain.


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Re: Better late than never - pricing survey
« Reply #48 on: %683 %20, %2015, %0:%Jan:%th %-08:00 »
Rihanna Lovely sounds like a two dollar hooker.

Offline RihannaLovely

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Re: Better late than never - pricing survey
« Reply #49 on: %733 %20, %2015, %0:%Jan:%th %-08:00 »
Oddball, I am only going to respond to pieces that stick out about your psychobabble:

You chose to mount a personal attack against Abby here,

Not so. I simply pointed out that she can charge her own rates without taking shots at the ladies who are apparently earning more than her.

I'd guess that she's been staying busy and scoring a lot of parties, while the other ladies have essentially been NOT scoring parties.

Interesting presumption. I'd bet money on the opposite: The more attractive ladies in her brothel are probably "scoring" more parties, while she feels she has to advertise herself as a cheap hooker in order to "score" one.

You are free to have 'golden genital syndrome' if you so wish, and/or charge whatever you'd like.

I just think it's interesting that this accusation is lodged from me pointing out that its not necessary to criticize anyone else for the prices they may charge.  ;D

Of course, last I checked, you weren't working at any houses at any rate, so your opinion r.e. what you'd like to charge has no real bearing in this forum,

Oh PLEASE. I've been "inactive" for a whole 2 months and have openly said that I am not retired. I've hardly reached Sidewinder's level yet.  ::)

You've been doing some bullying of your own calling us all liars for telling it like it is.  And I've called you on it on at least one occasion - Inez's charging more than $300/hr for a regular party?

You must be thinking of someone else? I've never said a thing about what Inez's charges for a party? I don't care what they or anyone else charges for a party. I don't even care what the girl next door to me in a brothel charges for a party, why would I care about what Inez's charges?

What I said, specifically, was that you can't believe everything you read on the internet. Generally speaking, both men AND women frequently lie about the prices of their parties. And I stand by that statement. Because it's true.  ;D

I have been accused and harassed by other girls for refusing to quote a minimum rate as high as they wanted.  I am not going to be out to drain a client of every penny he has like some of the other prima donna divas want to.  I have had other girls make remarks to me about lowering the reputation of the house by not using outrageously high rates. Last time I checked, I am considered an independent contractor and I am not going to drive away clients with the "Golden Genital" syndrome. If they want to do things like that, fine.  I however don't want a reputation like that and I am not going to be a part of it.  Clients who have partied with me will verify that my rates are lower than the "average".  I still consider them to be fair to me and also fair to the client which is the way it should be.

Underlined by me.

Did you know that you could drive a point home without insulting your coworkers?

I'm glad that you are earning a satisfying income charging what you'd like for your parties. . . but the other ladies ALSO have the right to earn a satisfying income charging what they'd like for their parties.

When you refer to the ladies who are earning more than you as "prima donna divas" with "golden genital syndrome", you really just come off as bitter and jealous. It's a bit hypocritical to complain in one breath about being "bullied" for your prices, while bullying others for their prices in the next breath.
Last time I checked, you are not my co-worker nor did I name anyone that was.  Easy for you to sit on the sidelines and throw your 2 cents worth in when you are not even working at a house.  Guess some people who have moved on still have a need to post on here and can't handle the fact that they are not relevant to anything going on at the houses or with the clients who may go to them.  Anybody who has been at any house before knows there are always some girls with a Diva attitude who thinks each client should drain his bank account for a moment of her time.  I would not want to be treated that way and I am sure not going to treat someone else that way.  I have regular clients that I truly enjoy just sitting and talking with before or after a party.  I find them to be enjoyable and nice people.  I prefer to see them as a person. Not a bank account to drain.

I don't see anything wrong with your response post, nor do I see anything wrong with viewing customers as people instead of a bank account to drain. I just don't like to see people calling out their sisters for their prices because I think it goes both ways: You can charge whatever you want and THEY can also charge whatever they want.  ;) :D

I also think it would be wrong for someone to bully you into coming up to their rate.

As I always say

A Lady has the right to charge whatever she wants and I have the right to walk

This is so true.  8)
If you don't like someone's price, just make sure you go to a brothel where there will be 10 other ladies who may offer you the price you are looking for. Nothing wrong with that.

Ladies please, call it by the correct term.......PLATINUM PUSSY!

Carry on.

See above post. Everyone has a right to charge whatever they'd like and everyone has the right to walk for prices that are not to their liking.


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Re: Better late than never - pricing survey
« Reply #50 on: %793 %20, %2015, %0:%Jan:%th %-08:00 »
Rihanna, there are a lot of us that know/knew we have overpaid for parties, and I'll admit it. My thought process was that if I treated the lady better than the norm, I would get treated better than the norm. It didn't become an issue for me (meaning the money) until some of your "Sisters" started their deceit, clock-watching, reneging on what was negotiated, and like Abby said "Golden Genital Syndrome!" Whether you know it or not, word does get around! These Starlet's of the year that take their client to the cleaners one year, will not have a good year the next. Maybe they don't care because it's a short-term for them, but if you don't weed them out  it will affect the rest of the ladies; especially in a particular house.
Abby will get my business the next time I'm out that way in March if she's available, and if she's good to me-I will stay a client. You say the "more attractive ladies" score more parties. What a shallow thing to say to one of your "Sisters!"

Offline RihannaLovely

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Re: Better late than never - pricing survey
« Reply #51 on: %802 %20, %2015, %0:%Jan:%th %-08:00 »
I have never claimed that you won't encounter ladies who have better character than others. I encourage you to find ladies you have a good time with and continue to see them. I don't particularly care who those ladies are or what they are charging you. And I never have. I've never cared who was taking more or less than me.... And especially have never criticized anyone for doing the same!


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Re: Better late than never - pricing survey
« Reply #52 on: %827 %20, %2015, %0:%Jan:%th %-08:00 »
Hey, I did say on the first page thanks for the useful info!!  :)
Lotta butter on mine please!  ;)


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Re: Better late than never - pricing survey
« Reply #53 on: %272 %20, %2015, %0:%Jan:%th %-08:00 »

Actually, a high percentage of the prices submitted to this survey are false. It has little to no accuracy.

And you have the data to prove it of course.  Right?  No?  Then you are just blowing smoke. 
Do me a favor and smoke outside away from the building.  Thanks so much.  Appreciate it.   :o ;)


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Re: Better late than never - pricing survey
« Reply #54 on: %364 %20, %2015, %0:%Jan:%th %-08:00 »
Someone is claiming to have had a Bungalow/VIP/Jacuzzi room party for $300? I dont think so [throws bullshit flag].

Actually, a high percentage of the prices submitted to this survey are false. It has little to no accuracy.

This essentially is calling a high percentage of those who participate in the pricing survey liars.  If the prices they submitted are false, that makes them liars.  Since a high percentage of those who submit to the pricing survey are Mongers (Hiking Guy will be happy to verify this), that means the majority of us are liars in your book.

MY point is that my experiences at the various brothels, pricing wise, have been in line with the survey, or less.  And yes, I've partied at a number of houses over the last couple of years (around Reno, Pahrump, and of course Elko), and those are the averages (and highs and lows) that I speak of.

As for TBR (Team Bunnyranch) establishments, I cannot speak from personal experience to the accuracy of THOSE survey submisisons as I haven't frequented any of those in several years (you can thank photogate and the lack of a sincere apology afterwords for that).  But based on comments from other mongers, both in chat and here on this board that do party there, it would seem that those prices are in line as well.  My last few parties at the Love Ranch (pre-photogate) and old Sagebrush (pre-Dennis) have been in line with the survey averages, up until my last visits (a couple of years back) at both of those establishments.

The participants in this survery are primarily LPIN hobbyists, so I'm quite sure that as a whole they negotiate better deals than the average joe fresh off the street that has little to no idea what to expect pricing wise before he steps foot in a brothel (cathouse aside).

Offline Rand McNally

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Re: Better late than never - pricing survey
« Reply #55 on: %762 %21, %2015, %0:%Jan:%st %-08:00 »
...As for TBR (Team Bunnyranch) establishments, I cannot speak from personal experience...based on comments from other mongers, both in chat and here on this board that do party there, it would seem that those prices are in line as well.

Reviewing my personal statistics for CY 2014 I found with one exception that all of my activities were at the Alien Cathouse and Love Ranch Vegas. My hourly average was a bit above the average for all rural houses, but below the specific averages listed for both the above houses. I can't speak for prices in the northern Hofhauses, but I've found the southern establishments to be quite reasonable.

Offline RihannaLovely

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Re: Better late than never - pricing survey
« Reply #56 on: %788 %21, %2015, %0:%Jan:%st %-08:00 »
I stated that both men AND women lie frequently about the prices of parties and I continue to stand by that statement.  ;D I didn't make claims as to whether the pricing survey results are higher, lower, or the same to the real numbers. I just said that you can't believe everything you read on the internet. Or, more accurately, Abraham Lincoln said that.  ;D ;D


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Re: Better late than never - pricing survey
« Reply #57 on: %939 %22, %2015, %0:%Jan:%nd %-08:00 »
I have been accused and harassed by other girls for refusing to quote a minimum rate as high as they wanted.  I am not going to be out to drain a client of every penny he has like some of the other prima donna divas want to.  I have had other girls make remarks to me about lowering the reputation of the house by not using outrageously high rates.  Last time I checked, I am considered an independent contractor and I am not going to drive away clients with the "Golden Genital" syndrome.  If they want to do things like that, fine.  I however don't want a reputation like that and I am not going to be a part of it.  Clients who have partied with me will verify that my rates are lower than the "average".  I still consider them to be fair to me and also fair to the client which is the way it should be.

I worked with you.. Curious to know HOW do other girls even know what you are charging?  Do you tell them? Cuz I sure as hell didn't know what you charged.. Do you know what I charged? If so, I'd like to know HOW?  I can't imagine clients telling prices because as far as I know, we all saw different clients.  I sure as hell didnt see any clients complaining about "draining wallets."... Not at LRV.  Saw it elsewhere..  ::) But some clients choose to spend multiple days/nights there with a lady.. If that drains their banks, well sounds like their choice.

My tax lady had a great point one year I had too many deductions.. 
"Is this a job or is it a hobby?" Can't be both to the government. I believe we all want something to show for the hard work.  I live by being "fair" but I also need to be fair to myself.

Offline Rand McNally

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Re: Better late than never - pricing survey
« Reply #58 on: %994 %22, %2015, %0:%Jan:%nd %-08:00 »
While ladies might not know each others prices to the penny, I'm sure everyone in a house has an idea what the ballpark rate is, just as regular tricks have an idea. I've done business with a number of providers at Aries' old stamping grounds in Crystal and Lathrop Wells, and their prices, while varying somewhat, were all pretty much in the same general range. I had only one lady quote me a figure significantly higher than the house norm (like 100% higher); before I could reach her door she had halved her price. I don't know how she knew her revised offer was now competitive--maybe she was clairvoyant. ;D

I understand that if a group of women live together, their monthy cycles begin to synchronize. I suspect the same thing happens with sex providers prices--if the provider is asking an exorbitant amount, she sees all the business going to her peers. If she asks a ridiculously low amount, those peers give her a blanket party.

While Aries might disagree with Abby, I think both are saavy businesswomen. Once Aries posted a special discount for some event; I PM'd her saying that a percentage off was meaningless when one didn't know the base price. And bless her heart, she PM'd me back with specific figures--which were in the ballpark range for other women I'd done business with in that house. I was impressed by her honesty.

I was also impressed with Abby when she was told she had to charge me more. After circumstances changed, she reverted to her original lower price. Abby prides herself on working with all budgets...and she ain't just blowing smoke.

Offline Rand McNally

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Re: Better late than never - pricing survey
« Reply #59 on: %999 %22, %2015, %0:%Jan:%nd %-08:00 »
... you really just come off as bitter and jealous...

I have my own opinion about who is coming across in this discussion as bitter and jealous--and it ain't Abby.