I have seen pictures from ladies at those Ranches and they are very pretty. I don't think it's a matter of who looks better in pictures, line ups and such. It's who you meet and have that sparkle with. Of course a picture is a start for someone that has never been here, but now days we have so much info out there that is day to have a pretty good idea.
The lady or ladies who have the best time with. That is why I encourage guys that are looking to learn from me to open their minds to body type, hair color, age and more. People that are more open to all types have fun and enjoy life more. To me there is not a scale per se, but there are girls that I can't take my eyes off, but if I was a man I don't necessarily would hang out with. I guess the same goes to men for me. I rather fun, engaging, interesting versus the looks. I can see beauty in many people.