Author Topic: Adding a picture or signature area to your posts  (Read 4254 times)


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Adding a picture or signature area to your posts
« on: %013 %14, %2009, %1:%Sep:%th %-07:00 »
I hate how my pictures look so small when I post them. I also have a signature that gives a lot of info. But, I'm not sure how to attach it. Any ideas?

I've not played around with all the picture and signature features on this board yet.  However there are 3 basic ways you can include them here.  

#1.) Add as an attachment.  The size of the image is limited to 128kb and a max of 4 attachments per post. You will need to create the image in the size you want first but it must be no larger than 128kb.  Click on the "Additional Options" below the text input box you are creating the post from. Select "Choose File", then browse to the location of the file you want to include within your post.

#2.) Include the image URL in the post.  Insert the URL within the post. Then highlight the URL, next click on the insert image icon above the text box you are creating the post in. (You can also manually create the code instead of auto inserting the code by the highlighting method). Here is what the code looks like for inserting an image.  

[ img][/img] (I left a space after the first bracket to show the code.  You will need to remove the space when you submit your image or signature.)  This image would display Kalli Morgan's photo located on the BR website after the space proceeding the first bracket is removed.  I've used it just as an example here.

#3.) Include them in your signature below your post.  They will show up on every post you make.   You add it under the "Profile" - "Forum Profile Information" section. In the signature section you can put an image in there and text.

Use the same code instructions as shown above in (2) above, this will display images within the signature area of your posts.

Make sure you click on "Change Profile" to save the settings.

I hope this helps some of you that want to add a signature area or images to your posts.

Take care,
« Last Edit: %021 %14, %2009, %1:%Sep:%th %-07:00 by afriend »