Gettin' the itch again, so sometime this weekend I'll be headed North. I took off Friday and Monday. Won't be up there three nights though, most likely one or two depending on when I leave. Maybe I'll do a loop just never know!
As I type this, I must admit that I'm a little drunk. I blame the bartender at Inez's (Wayne, whom I've never met before). He's a great guy. I told him to recommend something, and he chose a sake bomb. WOW...
Inez's had 5 ladies available: Coco, Sophia, Wendy, Cindy, and Linda. Coco was busy, so I chose Sophia. She's lookin' good guys! And completely shaved. I know some guys don't like the shaved look, but I sure do! I had one of my best parties with Sophia in a LoooooooNG time! Everything about the party was fantastic.
Afterwards, I had the drink with Wayne, and I wanted to meet the new ladies. Cindy was brought out. Not necessarily my type, and after about 15 minutes and 40 "no, not tonights", I headed back/stumbled back to Stockman's.
Tomorrow I head for Reno. I know Hiking Guy's got something lined up with Charmed Love (whom I'm also hoping to meet this trip), and I'm looking forward to hopefully meeting Kimberly Love.
Katie, there'll be a few of us stopping by, and we'll definitely be saying hello!
Good night and God speed!