Abby and I are very much alike in a lot of ways. Age is probably the biggest difference.
I may not be a fresh face 18 year old (though apparently I look young enough where it wasn't believed when I first waked into LRV that I was 21+ and even with checking my ID I felt the air that they were ready to send me back if Nye County denied me for having a "fake" ID) - but I'm in my mid 20s which all things considered is still young.
But I also had to do my own homework to find out exactly what was legal and what wasn't, not just with the state but with the county. I learned to do this immediately, having come from a modeling background and needing to know legalities of the cities, states, and countries I traveled to for shoots. To know whether the companies and/or photographers were trying anything shady. And as a burlesque performer, the types of performances and the amount of undress you can do varies by state and in some states by city. Both independent performers and troupes stay diligent about abiding by the laws so that burlesque can continue to thrive, and performers seen doing acts that aren't kosher are essentially banished from the scene. Producers don't take their submissions for shows and they drop off the map. After my first tour at LRS I really knew what was and wasn't okay, not only by the rules as per the "Bunny Bible" but also for the state and Nevada and Nye county.
I'll be open about this as I work in the sex industry why the hell would I be shy about sexuality? I enjoy anal sex. I've done it safely countless times with my personal partners. The vibe I got when I first started wasn't that anal intercourse was illegal, but that it was a "don't ask don't tell" type of thing and people just found it squicky so it was frowned up to find out someone was offering it. And also that it was considered a form of dirty hustling and unfair to others to offer it because it can be a more desirable form of intercourse. I never offered it and declined when asked in negotiations just because of that mentality. But then upon doing my research, finding out that it was illegal if I didn't get the test for it and the clinic used for LRV and ACH doesn't include it in the testing, I was wiping sweat off my brow. (Meanwhile at home one time my lady partner came running in yelling "check out my two dicks!" as she had a dual-phallus strapon for double penetration. It sent me into too much laughter to get my mojo going. But yeah. Instead it just turned into her straddled me, doing overly exaggerated pelvic thrusts so they wobbles about to make me laugh more and her name was "Bonersaurus Rex" for the next 24 hours.)
I sincerely hope everyone new to the industry does their homework. We're adults, and no one will do it for us. And you can't trust hearsay without looking up credible sources to back it up. You just can't. Which in this case will be in the text of county and state laws, not just whatever rules are set by specific houses.
RE Lamar Odom: imagine a Hof house with only a few girls in a lineup at any given time. Sometimes only two. And a few days only 1 (me). That was November 2015. Talk about yikes. Things have improved since, and I was happy to see a fuller house when I returned in January (and I still consider January to be one of my better trips, it was a lot of fun). But damn.
I find it funny when I first started DH shared my pics on Twitter and sent me a couple saucey emails about how he likes Texas girls. Now look at how he talks to me and treats me. It's actually quite hilarious. Like I lost all desirability the moment I showed I can think and act for myself, care about others, and don't put up with bullshit. And yes, I kept those receipts. *sips tea*