It started as a cold, rainy night in the cult-de-sac... and my luck was lousy. Couldn't find my party girl anywhere. I struck out at Sage, Kit Kat, and got price-walked at Love Ranch. I was ready to throw in the towel and just go back to my hotel.
It was midnight, but I still wanted to get laid. In a last ditch effort, I turned my car up Highway 69 and rang the bell. I got a lineup, chatted with a lady, but our "party styles" were worlds apart. I went back to the empty bar to finish my drink and split, when a little blonde Hottie came from behind me.
She smiled and said hello and proceeded to climb on my lap. She cut straight through the usual chitty-chat and said she was really horny. I thought, Hell yes... my kind of girl! I hit the Comstock Lode! Without another word, I said lets go talk. I seriously thought that I would get price-walked again. I told Summer exactly what I liked and my budget. To my amazement, she said lets do it!
This girl is GFE all the way. She totally blurs the lines between the usual courtesan/client relationship. I felt like it was a Saturday night bar hookup, instead of a pay-to-play experience. I was totally blown away! She about tore my shirt off when we got into the bedroom. We finally made it to the bed (sort of) and proceeded to roll. We kept switching it up thought-out the entire hour. Summer is multi-talented, and very open-minded. This girl is soooo passionate.
Would I consider a repeat? I'm going back for more TONIGHT!