Author Topic: It didn't work out at Moundhouse  (Read 10723 times)

Offline Sonja

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It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« on: %603 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Promises were broken with mind-numbing speed, to the point I wondered if I was losing my mind.

To be clear, I had already resigned at Love Ranch Vegas and had plans to get back to my life in TN & FL.  Suzette lured us to Moundhouse with job offers and an appealing compensation package as well as promises of a reliable chain of command & management support.  I have resisted going up North for years but I was very excited by the time I accepted this job.  After a 6 day cross country road trip in the RV, I arrived.  Doctored on the way there, got my Sheriff's card the next morning and booked a substantial party within hours of being on the floor.  I met with Suzette and shared all the suggestions from clients about what we could do to improve the house.  Day 2, another party & a deposit posted. Day 3, finally got moved in, and with permission from Suzette & guidance from the Cashier, hung some pictures in the house.  And THAT was the end of my career at Moundhouse.

The next morning I awoke to an email banning me from Love Ranch for a week & forbidding me from communicating with the ladies online.  Suzette said she would meet with me Thursday to discuss my role there.  Instead, she fired me via email on Wed., then told me to come in on Thursday and she would get back with me about my role there.   Suzette never got back to ME - but told the staff to treat me like any other working girl.  No one in upper management returned texts or emails and, this morning I am "banned" from the Bunny Board.

The whole experience felt like I slid down the rabbit hole and landed in a Nightmare Wonderland with an insane Queen intent on destroying me. The quick transition from the happy welcoming Suzette who seduced me into going there vs. the bitter, angry Suzette I got on my arrival created a barometric energy akin to Kathy Bates in Misery when she walked in and told James Caan, "I'm feeling blue today".

This is an unprecedented experience in my life (thankfully).  I am a serious pumpkin and very earnest about my work ethic.  I'm loyal as a dog to people who have been good to me and I am obsessive about keeping my promises.  I'm not a bridge burner.  In fact, I have never burned a bridge.  But I'm throwing a match on this one.

Every time I think I've done it all - some new experience smacks me upside the head.  And now, life will go on in a different direction.   

Offline Glennster

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #1 on: %620 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Good luck in next adventure.


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #2 on: %656 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »

Sorry to hear, Sonja. You've worked for the Hof brothels for some time and this is a really disheartening way to cap it all off. FWIW even as far on the outside as I am, this is not the first time I've heard Suzette referred to as a mad queen. I wonder what the future of Moundhouse will be with Suzette at the helm.

Good luck on the next adventure.

Offline Bart.Pimpson

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #3 on: %674 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Start your own brothel.  With blackjack. And hookers.

Offline hikingguy2013

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #4 on: %704 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Sonja sorry to hear about your experience. You are always seemed to thrive in the rural brothel environment have you thought of working as a madam at a rural one like wildcat or desert club? It is their loss not your loss in this case, but definitely consider a look outside Moundhouse.

Offline NavySteve

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #5 on: %706 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I wish you the best. I am so glad to have met you this past summer. My only regret is I didn't say "screw the piggy bank" and book a party while I was there.

Offline Q

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #6 on: %733 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Wow. That sucks. I shake my head at all the bullshit you and others have to endure. What's wrong with people nowadays? Children walking around in adult clothing. High school baby bullshit drama constantly. Two sides to each story. Never assume based on rumor. But yeah... Stay away from drama or you take it with you. Life's too short.



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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #7 on: %734 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Start your own brothel.  With blackjack. And hookers.

In fact, forget the blackjack!
(Sorry I couldn't resist).

I'm sorry Sonja. I don't know you at all but you seem like a very genuine person. Whatever comes next, I wish you well.

Offline ChicagoBob

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #8 on: %775 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Sonja, I'm glad we got to visit when we did.. it's always great seeing you! 

I'm sorry that things didn't work out.  Mound House needed some fresh ideas, but I guess it's doomed to business as usual.  One of these days, they will realize that there's no change without change!
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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #9 on: %784 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I am heartbroken, literally heartbroken to hear this.  I will really miss you.  You understand me (and probably most men) more than 99% of the women out there -- in and out of the business. 

I hope you don't wash your hands completely of LPIN, as there was nobody better than you.  Isn't there someplace that could use you?  You raised the LPIN bar very high, and the profession will not be the same without you.  Its their loss. 

Again, I'm very sorry to hear this happened ...

Offline MrTShirt

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #10 on: %811 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Sonja, wish you the best in the future.
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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #11 on: %817 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Well this fuckin' sucks!!! I'm sure something better will come along and their loss will be someone else's gain!

I guess we've seen the future of Moundhouse in the post-Hof era!


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #12 on: %820 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I only know you from the boards, but you seem really honest, nice and knowledgeable. You want to do what’s best for everyone, so mistreating you is a strange way to do business and definitely their loss. I hope you land on your feet quickly and with as little hassle as possible.

Offline PerpetualStudent

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #13 on: %826 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I wonder if the welcoming and the promises made were out of honoring Dennis' wishes and then that waned with time as Dennis' passing grew more concrete. Well, there go my hopes of swinging by to at least say hi to you the next time I was in Nevada. I personally don't think an email firing for a person who held down the fort and endured as much as you have down south for the company was the respectful way to handle things. But when life gives you lemons, a Tom Collins sounds like a good response. Cheers to landing on both feet!

Offline Dr. Who

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #14 on: %828 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Sorry to hear that things didn't work out, but I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.