Author Topic: It didn't work out at Moundhouse  (Read 10724 times)

Offline wrb55roscojr

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #15 on: %849 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
 DAM ! Sonja , we know that the Hof ranches are in a mess. With Dennis's passing. Kinda makes you wonder , what is going on? Is she letting the other people run ruin the empire? Or is she setting up , for a breakup of the brothels?

Offline CoreyInTheHouse

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #16 on: %852 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Fired by email. How pathetic. She didn't even have the guts to look you in the eyes before giving you the hatchet. Best of luck to you with your future endeavors, Sonja


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #17 on: %886 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
This really irritates me, in more ways than one.  I feel that Sonja is a friend, and way more than just another working girl. 

Sonja, have you considered forwarding these comments to the powers that be to make a point?  I mean, this really pisses me off, and I, for one, will not be visiting Moundhouse any time in the foreseeable future.  I don't think it would be too much of a stretch to call for a Monger boycott of the LRN to drive home a point.  I doubt they'd take you back, or more importantly, I doubt (and with good reason) that you'd want to go back, but calling for better ways to handle very strong earners, like yourself, is definitely in the offing. 

Offline Jack Rackham

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #18 on: %898 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »

Wow, that's REALLY bizarre and utterly stupid too. Moundhouse's loss.

I wish you the best in all your endeavors. I only know you from the board (my loss) but I think you are a strong woman and will always be  successful in whatever you do. Good luck!


Offline cronuswalker

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #19 on: %899 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Trully sorry to hear this Sonja, I was looking forward to meeting you again here. Best of luck with wherever the road takes you from here, I know you will do well.


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #20 on: %904 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I'm so sorry, Sonja. I could tell there was something on your mind when chatting with you the other night. It was great to get caught up with you though!

When I responded to a thread for suggestions, the first thing that came to my mind was the treatment of the great ladies of the Cul de sac. Everyone should be treated with respect. Hopefully, Suzette will try and work with people instead of demands and talking down to others.

Don't look at it as a firing. This was a power play from someone that wouldn't want you to succeed. CB's right, she's got to get an open mind for change or change will never come.

Offline hirohito

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #21 on: %917 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
You're for sure one of the reasons Dennis had so much success down south. This is highly inappropriate.

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #22 on: %972 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Sonya I’m sorry that you had to deal with this tremdious stress in your life when you devoted so much of your heart, soul and sweet into that company. I feel ya. Almost a carbon copy for me. You are a shinning star wherever you go. You are a leader like a couple of us that have invested time into that company. You will be just fine. When one door closes another one opens. Keep your shinning light going and your shinning star bright.
XO Vanity
Rookie Courtesan first year and voted top 5 courtesans Of Nevada several years in a row. Winner of Courtesan of the Year 2019. I will continue to be humble and true to myself.

Offline Sonja

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #23 on: %999 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Thanks everyone for all the supportive words.  I am okay and I will always be okay.  This is just serious weirdness I'm traversing right now. 

Please don't boycott LRN.  That will only hurt the ladies there and they are each amazing sexy humans (except for 1, LOL).  They rely on that house to make a living.  It's Suzette's lowest $ house and won't affect her life at all even if she closed it.

It did occur to me that the offer might have been made under Dennis's directive.  If that's the case, Suzette was a better actress than the most jaded prostitute on earth.  I really believed her.  She inspired the hell out of me and I was eager to learn from her.

My gut says it might have something to do with her grieving process. So much happened after the offer was made - losing Dennis while she was in the battle of her life to save all the houses in Lyon county, and more recently she broke her arm.  I had the strong feeling she was not ready for any more "loss" and perceived me as trying to "take away" her place at LRN.  Doesn't matter if it was her idea, I think this was emotional rather than rational.  While I can have empathy for her in that regard, I felt no personal need to stay and be abused.

I really wish she had let us know before we took off for NV.  The trip here and back is $2400 wasted.  I took off before my daughter's bday & Thanksgiving so I could be there on the date she chose. Postponed building my FL house which doesn't seem like a huge sacrifice - except there is a new code starting in Jan that will cost me $15K more than I would have paid if I'd started construction in Dec.   All could have been avoided if a little professional courtesy had been extended.   

Offline oldskiis

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #24 on: %075 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
        Reminds me of my favorite strip joint, guy had worked hard and built a very successful business out of nothing, he liked to play around with the dancers but had respect for the word NO and his help was as loyal to him as he was to them.  He died young and his widow fired every dancer he had ever flirted with, and all the management and help, place went down hill fast and she sold out cheap.  In the widow's case, it was not grief, just revenge, but sad to see a good business destroyed and people lose their jobs over nothing.

Offline Sonja

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #25 on: %086 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
        Reminds me of my favorite strip joint, guy had worked hard and built a very successful business out of nothing, he liked to play around with the dancers but had respect for the word NO and his help was as loyal to him as he was to them.  He died young and his widow fired every dancer he had ever flirted with, and all the management and help, place went down hill fast and she sold out cheap.  In the widow's case, it was not grief, just revenge, but sad to see a good business destroyed and people lose their jobs over nothing.

I can see how that would happen. This in't that, though.  I never slept with Dennis.  I was never even one of his favorites. So not jealousy.  When it was happening, it was the most insane, bizarre chain of events that I couldn't interpret or believe.  With a little distance, I know it was more complicated than that.

Offline mobeerlswhine

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #26 on: %209 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Notice how the loudest voice from Mound House in the recent past has not chimed in at all.

Sonya, if you feel that you are truly gone and never to return, I think we would all value your honest appraisal of the conditions at the Hof legacy houses and your predictions for the near future. You may well be in the best position to comment.


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #27 on: %243 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Well Sonja, you’re a better person than I. If my boss fired me because their business partner died and they had an emotional whim born of grief and not related to performance, and I had just uprooted my life to work there....well I’d be hiring a lawyer. Compensation package makes it sound like you were going to be on the payroll and not just contracted, IMO you have a wrongful termination case. Especially if you have anything in writing from emails. This was your livelihood. Of course, if you want to just move on that’s totally understandable.
« Last Edit: %245 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 by TheMightyPeanut »

Michael J.

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #28 on: %293 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Is that the same Madam Suzette that ran the Wild Horse?  is that maybe why she left?  This inquiring mind wants to know.

Cherry Lane

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #29 on: %320 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Promises were broken with mind-numbing speed, to the point I wondered if I was losing my mind.

To be clear, I had already resigned at Love Ranch Vegas and had plans to get back to my life in TN & FL.  Suzette lured us to Moundhouse with job offers and an appealing compensation package as well as promises of a reliable chain of command & management support.  I have resisted going up North for years but I was very excited by the time I accepted this job.  After a 6 day cross country road trip in the RV, I arrived.  Doctored on the way there, got my Sheriff's card the next morning and booked a substantial party within hours of being on the floor.  I met with Suzette and shared all the suggestions from clients about what we could do to improve the house.  Day 2, another party & a deposit posted. Day 3, finally got moved in, and with permission from Suzette & guidance from the Cashier, hung some pictures in the house.  And THAT was the end of my career at Moundhouse.

The next morning I awoke to an email banning me from Love Ranch for a week & forbidding me from communicating with the ladies online.  Suzette said she would meet with me Thursday to discuss my role there.  Instead, she fired me via email on Wed., then told me to come in on Thursday and she would get back with me about my role there.   Suzette never got back to ME - but told the staff to treat me like any other working girl.  No one in upper management returned texts or emails and, this morning I am "banned" from the Bunny Board.

The whole experience felt like I slid down the rabbit hole and landed in a Nightmare Wonderland with an insane Queen intent on destroying me. The quick transition from the happy welcoming Suzette who seduced me into going there vs. the bitter, angry Suzette I got on my arrival created a barometric energy akin to Kathy Bates in Misery when she walked in and told James Caan, "I'm feeling blue today".

This is an unprecedented experience in my life (thankfully).  I am a serious pumpkin and very earnest about my work ethic.  I'm loyal as a dog to people who have been good to me and I am obsessive about keeping my promises.  I'm not a bridge burner.  In fact, I have never burned a bridge.  But I'm throwing a match on this one.

Every time I think I've done it all - some new experience smacks me upside the head.  And now, life will go on in a different direction.

I am going to start off by how unprofessional you are in all aspects, this post proving your true inner person. How dare you disrespect Madam Suzette and the ladies of Love Ranch North. To call us the lowest money making house, very professional,  comparing Madam Suzette to the character in Misery... how dare you!
Publically posting this thread, UNPROFESSIONAL!
You fail to tell everyone on here the truth about yourself, how you walked in Love Ranch North placing your pictures everywhere,  your first day there... trying to take over, not caring how other ladies felt. You did not care other ladies have worked hard, EARNED the privilege of having pictures up. Not you though, you can do as you want, going against Madam Suzette's wishes. To speak about her and her mourning process, what gives you the right? Madam Suzette has always and will continue to be successful within the business, the business which Dennis trusted her with... not you. The qaulities and huge heart Madam Suzette has and for you to decimate her character for all to read, shame on you. If you were half of the woman, the MADAM she was, maybe EVERYONE would want you around, the truth is... NO ONE WANTED YOU HERE FROM THE BEGINNING! Knowing how you have treated the ladies down South, not to mention you are a thief. Yes, that is right... let's tell your wonderful qaulities, the ones which no one knows about!

Let's be honest, you are referring to me, that is right... well known, well loved Companion... Cherry Lane, as the one, LOL. HMMM, maybe because you disrespected me, disrespected the house I love and I will assure you, you are only mad because you got DEMOTED and I pretty much took your place of training.  Why don't you write the truth on here, with your sugar coated, I am so Intelligent sounding, BS threads.

I am ashamed you worked for the ranches, to turn around and disrespect both Dennis and Suzette by publicly trying to embarrass them. Did you ever think Love Ranch North became a low money making house the day EVERYONE saw you on the menu!

You are a parasite!

I can assure you, every lady and staff member work hard and we are proud to be LRN, how dare you try to belittle us on here publically. You wanted to be part of what you said a low money making house, WE WANTED NO PARTS OF YOU!

To all who feel sorry for this woman, please DO NOT. She did this to herself at LRN, She was never fired, she chose to leave. She chose to come in LRN smothering it with her selfishness.  Her role was to help other ladies with advertisements,  etc... instead she advertised herself.

She was a ME team! Not a WE team!

Ladies transferred other houses before her arrival at LRN from previously working with her down South. Sonya is not the saint she swears by.

I can not believe you had the audacity to speak so little about Madam Suzette! All she has done for everyone,  dedicated her life to Dennis, the ranches, us... her family for the past 28 years! She never lied to you, you lied to her... you are manipulative,  you are a liar, you are aggressive and You think you are intimidating. I beleive you met your match with me, you or no one else will come in LRN and try to take it over.

We work together, we respect eachother, we love eachother!

You walked in the doors acting as if you were better...
a mindset that sets you up for disaster.

Your fake smile and emails. We all saw through it...
This post tops it all!

As I earned my college degree in business, I would never slander anyone publically after repeatedly stating how professional I am.

Why don't you start a NEW THREAD... call it
I freely left LRN because my top concern was MYSELF!

Everyone who knows me... knows LRN and my career with Madam Suzette is my life, besides my children of course.
I am dedicated, loyal and plan to be here a very long time.

There are days I sacrifice my own work to assure others get the help they need, or LRN parties and media is running smoothly... but I have amazing help of the staff and my LRN sisters when I need them and we are a unified family!

Because we show eachother love & respect...

Two important characteristics you do not have, it shows in this thread!

I love this house and everyone in it! Don't ever speak about them or Madam Suzette in a disrespectful manner again!
Madam Suzette has taught me so much, she has been there for me at my lows... I find it an honor just to know this amazing woman... I find it a true blessing to have a career at LRN and have her ad my boss, but when need be... she is ways their as my family...

All of our family! WE LOVE MADAM SUZETTE!

Jealousy in life gets you know where...
Maybe it is time you retire!