Author Topic: It didn't work out at Moundhouse  (Read 10718 times)

Offline CoreyInTheHouse

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #60 on: %169 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Sonja, I just want to say you are a class act. Even if, for some M. Night Shyamalan reason, Cherry is actually telling the truth and you really are a two-faced lying bitch in real life--at least on this board, you are constantly trying to disengage from an internet war and emphasizing how you want us to continue supporting the ladies at LRN.

Stay classy, Madam.
« Last Edit: %171 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 by CoreyInTheHouse »


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #61 on: %238 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Sonja, I just want to say you are a class act. Even if, for some M. Night Shyamalan reason, Cherry is actually telling the truth and you really are a two-faced lying bitch in real life--at least on this board, you are constantly trying to disengage from an internet war and emphasizing how you want us to continue supporting the ladies at LRN.

Stay classy, Madam.

Well said Corey, I completely agree

Offline Sonja

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #62 on: %596 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Sonja, I just want to say you are a class act. Even if, for some M. Night Shyamalan reason, Cherry is actually telling the truth and you really are a two-faced lying bitch in real life--at least on this board, you are constantly trying to disengage from an internet war and emphasizing how you want us to continue supporting the ladies at LRN.

Stay classy, Madam.

Thank you.  You gave me my first smile of the day.  :-*

Cherry and I have only laid eyes on each other while in the same room.  We've never properly met, had a conversation, or worked together.   She has no personal experience on which to base her opinion of me.  She picked up on some gossip & is using that as the foundation of her perception of me.  I wanted to work with her and I'm sad that was impossible. It could have been a mutually beneficial collaboration at LRN.

I'm only now getting more details about the "Pictures in the Brothel" culture at Moundhouse. 

At Bunny Ranch - where I trained over 4 yrs ago, the entry is plastered to the ceiling with pics of ladies - some who are renowned for having been there  & some who are still there.  When I returned to LRV, the walls there were covered with new pics of Dennis "and friends" who were mostly celebrities.  It was my job to promote our ladies and house so I immediately got to work on getting our ladies represented on the walls of the hallways. Dennis provided blown up pics of the ladies, and frames for me & I put them up.  Not specific ladies - ALL the ladies.  He also provided sexy Vegasesque art because I wanted to give LRV a vintage Vegas feel to give it more personality of its own.  I hung those as well.  Not only a non-issue but it was expected of me to take care of those kinds of things.

Suzette told me to keep a "low profile" initially.  I understood that to mean "don't do anything without her consent".  I am still trying to work out what it actually meant.

At Moundhouse - pictures on the wall are organized as very ordered pecking order placements.   At LRN - there are 6 spots for pictures & those go to the top 6 bookers.  When I got there, only 3 pictures were hanging in the parlor. I made a mental note to find out who else should be represented so I could order her pictures and frames.  In the meantime, the parlor looked kinda bland with those empty spaces.  In my initial meeting with Suzette a couple months ago - I'd asked if I could hang pictures in the house & she gave permission.  I sought the advice of the cashier about what to hang and where.  We decided the pics with Dennis would be welcomed as the ladies loved him and there were no pictures of him in the house.  My 3rd day, I was finally moved in to my house and new room at LRN.  For me, hanging pictures and putting flowers in vases is a "last touch" of moving in to a place. 

It seems that those who make up the culture at Moundhouse are very attuned to the serious significance of picture placement in the houses there.  This was me stepping on  mine when I didn't know I was in a minefield. They are stunned I didn't just "know" and I am stunned no one bothered to warn me...And then did not allow me to correct this error.  This cultural dissonance has left both sides shaking their heads at the other side as we wonder why something so simple wasn't just understood.

When it comes down to it - it was very likely bad timing because of so much turmoil and devastation over the past couple of months between when I was offered the position vs when I arrived.  The reason for rescinding the offers made to me was hanging a picture but I imagine if it hadn't been that, it would have been something else just as absurd.  The real reason was that this just wasn't meant to be at this time.


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #63 on: %640 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Sonja, Sonja, Sonja, as someone who was there when the announcement you'd be going to LRN was made SEVERAL top Booker's said they would leave to another ranch. Why? Well, let's talk about how you tell every new girl to tag you in their forum posts increasing your searches. Or how you rationed food at LRV and would conduct room searches if you thought a lady was "stealing" food (mind you that is paid for in room & board). Literally serving dinner on cafeteria  plates. You'd accept $80 parties, which just destroys the house value. And countless more things. I wonder why nobody would want this person around. You like to act all high and mighty to manipulate the board which now according to your Twitter you're going the indie route.

Secondly, to call Cherry not team bunny is the biggest load of BS. Did you know if Cherry hadn't bought the decorations for street vibrations herself with her own money that LRN would have had no decorations? Or that Cherry opens her room to teach the ladies how to use the message board? If a new girl needs some new outfits Cherry will personally open her own closet to the lady. I'm sorry but this sounds like an amazing team player. Somebody that wants the house to thrive and succeed.

Please try and deny any of it, because then you'll prove you're a manipulative liar. Or own up to it(because you, me, the staff, and all the ladies at the ranches know it's true), and explain your actions.


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #64 on: %688 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I’m going to chime in with my two cents worth.. I am new here and I have been searching for a house to start working in. I have never met anyone from lpin I am brand new to this, but I have to say one of the biggest reasons I was looking at going to a brothel instead of just dancing and sugar baby/independent work shile in college is for safety, security, less drama. But this post has me floored. Management or previous management and ladies not agrereing with each other seems like a normal part of any job. But to come online and have it out, airing dirty laundry and some of the accusations. I am scared and worried about the safety and security of being in a brothel. All are in very isolated places and to be out that far and have worry about who you are working with or if they are crazy. Some of these posts are just crazy. The last post about food is deeply concerning to me.

Offline RihannaLovely

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #65 on: %708 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Suzette is one of the most amazing people I've ever met--- let's start there.

Being a "Madam on the Menu" is an inherent conflict of interest. Any way you look at it, ladies are in competition with each other. . .when one of those ladies has "power" over the others, problems will arise unless the madam is unusually selfless, unbiased, and fair. Sonja appears to be quite the opposite of those things---when she worked at LRV, she did something similar with the online website, prominently featuring herself at every opportunity. Noting that she's displayed these traits, can you imagine how that would be applied in every day brothel life and why other ladies would not want to experience it?

Since it is clear that the ladies do not like, appreciate, or respect Sonja---how would it be appropriate to keep her around, even if Suzette did? Why should Suzette force the ladies of LRN to work with someone they do not respect and who immediately shows signs of abusing her power over them? Would that be fair to the ladies? The ladies should come first and they always do with Suzette. Regardless of her feelings about any employee, she is always going to be looking out for the best interests of the ladies.

Regardless, I think "Madam on the Menu" is a difficult thing to do-----and unnecessary, especially in a bigger house, because there should be capable managers who are happy to just manage the brothel in the fairest way they can. Just about every cashier/manager I ever encountered in Moundhouse had a comforting, motherly quality about them. . .I can only imagine this was achieved via a process of natural selection in making good hiring and firing choices.
« Last Edit: %711 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 by RihannaLovely »


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #66 on: %739 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I've had terrible, terrible managers in the past. People who made every aspect of the job more difficult and were hated by everyone. But in the end it's not the employee's choice who the boss is, it's weird that some providers think they should be able to choose who their manager is. The owner or higher up hires managers. If employees can have input, that's great and they should feel very lucky to do so, but in the end the employees have to adapt to management.

With that in mind, I never met or partied with Sonja, as I imagine many on the boards have not either. We just know her from posts; She seems to care about the houses she works at and the girls she manages, which is often the most important thing and all you can really ask for. Sonja has a strong, positive presence on these boards, and there's something to be said for that. I for one was interested in visiting any house she managed.

Like others have said, even through all this Sonja has kept her remarks professional and she has not resorted to open insults and mudslinging, even though as the person who was let go, she obviously would be the most hurt by all this. Others have been pretty rough to her. I'm pretty new to the boards, but the very recent bad behavior from a few people has really brought the overall mood down here. I hope we can get past it soon.


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #67 on: %747 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Since it is clear that the ladies do not like, appreciate, or respect Sonja---how would it be appropriate to keep her around, even if Suzette did? Why should Suzette force the ladies of LRN to work with someone they do not respect and who immediately shows signs of abusing her power over them? Would that be fair to the ladies? The ladies should come first and they always do with Suzette. Regardless of her feelings about any employee, she is always going to be looking out for the best interests of the ladies.

Aren't there stories of Suzette screaming at the ladies and calling them courtesans? That's in the best interest of the ladies?

Any way you look at it, ladies are in competition with each other. . .when one of those ladies has "power" over the others, problems will arise unless the madam is unusually selfless, unbiased, and fair.

If problems arise because of "power" issues why do top bookers get better rooms? Wouldn't that exacerbate the situation? Why are numbers exposed at tea parties even if ladies don't want their numbers revealed? Are forum analytics still being used?

Offline ChicagoBob

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #68 on: %748 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Can't we all just get along?  :o 
History will absolve me


Offline Sonja

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #69 on: %751 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Can't we all just get along?  :o

I'm with you.  No one's best interest is served by trashing the ladies, clients, or houses.

Chara - as in real life outside a brothel, everything isn't always perfect inside the brothel.  That doesn't mean brothel life is drenched in drama.  Shit happens sometimes but, overall, it's a desirable environment.   If it weren't there wouldn't be so many ladies vying for spots of the line-ups and ladies wouldn't stay.

I'm currently on the road so I will respond to the other nonsense when I have time and internet connection.

Offline RihannaLovely

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #70 on: %756 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I've had terrible, terrible managers in the past. People who made every aspect of the job more difficult and were hated by everyone. But in the end it's not the employee's choice who the boss is, it's weird that some providers think they should be able to choose who their manager is. The owner or higher up hires managers. If employees can have input, that's great and they should feel very lucky to do so, but in the end the employees have to adapt to management.

Sex workers in brothels are not employees---they are independent contractors. Independent contractors do not have to do anything they don't want to do, including "adapt to management". In fact, it's been stated in this thread that independent contractors left the house in refusal to work for Sonja. Even if Suzette could have forced the ladies to work under unfair conditions, why would she? Why should she?

As I stated, you would have to be an exceedingly unbiased, fair, and respectable person to successfully work as a "Madam on the Menu". It looks like Suzette gave Sonja the opportunity to show she could be that but Sonja did not. The first thing she did upon arriving was use her position to gain an unfair advantage against the other ladies in the house---just as she did with the LRV website. Pictures are only the tip of the iceburg. Can you imagine how a Madam who has shown any proclivity towards unfair behavior could manipulate a brothel system to her advantage?

Nipping it in the bud is the only solution. I can tell you there is no way I would have been willing to work under Sonja.

With that in mind, I never met or partied with Sonja, as I imagine many on the boards have not either. We just know her from posts; She seems to care about the houses she works at and the girls she manages, which is often the most important thing and all you can really ask for. Sonja has a strong, positive presence on these boards, and there's something to be said for that. I for one was interested in visiting any house she managed.

I disagree. She used her position as madam at LRV to implement programs that drastically reduced the ladies' cut of parties. While we went back and forth as she tried to piss on our legs and tell us it was raining, I knew then that she did not have the ladies best interest at heart. She's not a horrible person---just not a suited for a job involving being an advocate and role model for other ladies.


Like others have said, even through all this Sonja has kept her remarks professional and she has not resorted to open insults and mudslinging, even though as the person who was let go, she obviously would be the most hurt by all this. Others have been pretty rough to her. I'm pretty new to the boards, but the very recent bad behavior from a few people has really brought the overall mood down here. I hope we can get past it soon.

The people living and working with her are the ones who know her best. . .not those of us reading her posts on a message board. Where there is smoke, there is fire.

Offline RihannaLovely

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #71 on: %759 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Since it is clear that the ladies do not like, appreciate, or respect Sonja---how would it be appropriate to keep her around, even if Suzette did? Why should Suzette force the ladies of LRN to work with someone they do not respect and who immediately shows signs of abusing her power over them? Would that be fair to the ladies? The ladies should come first and they always do with Suzette. Regardless of her feelings about any employee, she is always going to be looking out for the best interests of the ladies.

Aren't there stories of Suzette screaming at the ladies and calling them courtesans? That's in the best interest of the ladies?

Any way you look at it, ladies are in competition with each other. . .when one of those ladies has "power" over the others, problems will arise unless the madam is unusually selfless, unbiased, and fair.

If problems arise because of "power" issues why do top bookers get better rooms? Wouldn't that exacerbate the situation? Why are numbers exposed at tea parties even if ladies don't want their numbers revealed? Are forum analytics still being used?

I'm not sure what rumors you've heard about Suzette---I only know what I've seen from years of working with her. She is uniquely awesome.

The brothels use a proven method to incentivize ladies to earn to their best potential and fulfill their goals as efficiently as possible. I am not sure how that relates to an authority figure using her power to gain an unfair advantage over other ladies. A top booker with a nice room or featured placement earned that position via hard work and dedication---A "Madam on the Menu" who tramples over that in a quest for self-promotion did not.

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #72 on: %770 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I just wanted to say from my own experience visiting LRV when Sonja was there I had very good experiences. I know she was the madam on the menu but she never once pushed or marketed herself to me to party with her. A few times I visited she was sleeping because she was logging in many hours to run LRV. I viewed the madam on the menu as a way her regular clients could still party with her if they wanted I didn't think much off it, but I can understand the ladies perspective that my boss is competing with me. After Sonja left LRV for a while the experience at LRV was not as good. LRV and LRN are just two different experiences and I think most will agree on that one brothel is more rural while the other one is more fast paced. She was always open about talking about other brothels that were not Hof owned at the time and had a good general understanding of the industry as a whole. I can't speak or know what happened at LRN with her and the staff and ladies there but while she was at LRV the ladies were awesome and I had a very good experience and Sonja was always upfront. Just my own experience with her.,

Online ShyKyle87(again)

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #73 on: %777 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I’m going to chime in with my two cents worth.. I am new here and I have been searching for a house to start working in. I have never met anyone from lpin I am brand new to this, but I have to say one of the biggest reasons I was looking at going to a brothel instead of just dancing and sugar baby/independent work shile in college is for safety, security, less drama. But this post has me floored. Management or previous management and ladies not agrereing with each other seems like a normal part of any job. But to come online and have it out, airing dirty laundry and some of the accusations. I am scared and worried about the safety and security of being in a brothel. All are in very isolated places and to be out that far and have worry about who you are working with or if they are crazy. Some of these posts are just crazy. The last post about food is deeply concerning to me.
Hi Chara, welcome to these boards.  I will say that issues over privacy and security only apply to four houses: Bunny Ranch, Love Ranch North, Sagebrush Ranch, and Kitkat Ranch.  And that was because the previous owner was an outspoken public figure who occasionally outed his ladies on social media.  That might change there with new ownership, but only time will tell.  Most of the brothels are pretty good about keeping private matters private.

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #74 on: %781 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »

I'm not sure what rumors you've heard about Suzette---I only know what I've seen from years of working with her. She is uniquely awesome.

The brothels use a proven method to incentivize ladies to earn to their best potential and fulfill their goals as efficiently as possible. I am not sure how that relates to an authority figure using her power to gain an unfair advantage over other ladies. A top booker with a nice room or featured placement earned that position via hard work and dedication---A "Madam on the Menu" who tramples over that in a quest for self-promotion did not.
A number of ladies who previously worked for Hof/Suzette have stated that they've seen those two mistreat ladies.  Clearly you had favored status or were just lucky to not see it.  If it was just one lady saying that, then yes, there might be reason to question that.  But with multiple accounts of such treatment, as they say, where there's smoke, there's fire.