Author Topic: It didn't work out at Moundhouse  (Read 10716 times)

Offline Wildfire

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #75 on: %784 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Suzette is one of the most amazing people I've ever met--- let's start there.

Being a "Madam on the Menu" is an inherent conflict of interest. Any way you look at it, ladies are in competition with each other. . .when one of those ladies has "power" over the others, problems will arise unless the madam is unusually selfless, unbiased, and fair. Sonja appears to be quite the opposite of those things---when she worked at LRV, she did something similar with the online website, prominently featuring herself at every opportunity. Noting that she's displayed these traits, can you imagine how that would be applied in every day brothel life and why other ladies would not want to experience it?

Since it is clear that the ladies do not like, appreciate, or respect Sonja---how would it be appropriate to keep her around, even if Suzette did? Why should Suzette force the ladies of LRN to work with someone they do not respect and who immediately shows signs of abusing her power over them? Would that be fair to the ladies? The ladies should come first and they always do with Suzette. Regardless of her feelings about any employee, she is always going to be looking out for the best interests of the ladies.

Regardless, I think "Madam on the Menu" is a difficult thing to do-----and unnecessary, especially in a bigger house, because there should be capable managers who are happy to just manage the brothel in the fairest way they can. Just about every cashier/manager I ever encountered in Moundhouse had a comforting, motherly quality about them. . .I can only imagine this was achieved via a process of natural selection in making good hiring and firing choices.

How could " The Saint " refuse on chiming in on this subject .  And how long has it been since you have been in Mound House.  ?   Yes a few people like Suzette. I bet there is more out there that can't stand her. 
Saint Rihanna  you have to know Suzette looks out for just one and that is herself and for the ladies they can stay and put up with the craziness or leave  she could care less.  I guess you still have a supply of the" kool aid "  left over from your days on team bunny .


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #76 on: %806 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Sonja, Sonja, Sonja, as someone who was there when the announcement you'd be going to LRN was made SEVERAL top Booker's said they would leave to another ranch. Why? Well, let's talk about how you tell every new girl to tag you in their forum posts increasing your searches. Or how you rationed food at LRV and would conduct room searches if you thought a lady was "stealing" food (mind you that is paid for in room & board). Literally serving dinner on cafeteria  plates. You'd accept $80 parties, which just destroys the house value. And countless more things. I wonder why nobody would want this person around. You like to act all high and mighty to manipulate the board which now according to your Twitter you're going the indie route.

Secondly, to call Cherry not team bunny is the biggest load of BS. Did you know if Cherry hadn't bought the decorations for street vibrations herself with her own money that LRN would have had no decorations? Or that Cherry opens her room to teach the ladies how to use the message board? If a new girl needs some new outfits Cherry will personally open her own closet to the lady. I'm sorry but this sounds like an amazing team player. Somebody that wants the house to thrive and succeed.

Please try and deny any of it, because then you'll prove you're a manipulative liar. Or own up to it(because you, me, the staff, and all the ladies at the ranches know it's true), and explain your actions.

It may just be my cynical nature, but I find it funny that a member with ONLY TWO posts has such insight into the inner workings of LRV and LRN!

Makes me even more suspicious of Cherry's claims!


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #77 on: %826 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I don't enjoy participating on the boards but I enjoy viewing, mongers are the only ones to be anonymous? I see no reason why working ladies can't be discrete as well. I have met almost all of you in person, but I prefer an anonymous account because of how cruel this board can be towards each other. However, I saw something terrible and full of lies so I felt the need to set facts straight.


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #78 on: %845 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I don't enjoy participating on the boards but I enjoy viewing, mongers are the only ones to be anonymous? I see no reason why working ladies can't be discrete as well. I have met almost all of you in person, but I prefer an anonymous account because of how cruel this board can be towards each other. However, I saw something terrible and full of lies so I felt the need to set facts straight.

You're fine with Sonja doing terrible things at LRV but not at LRN?


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #79 on: %866 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I don't enjoy participating on the boards but I enjoy viewing, mongers are the only ones to be anonymous? I see no reason why working ladies can't be discrete as well. I have met almost all of you in person, but I prefer an anonymous account because of how cruel this board can be towards each other. However, I saw something terrible and full of lies so I felt the need to set facts straight.

You're fine with Sonja doing terrible things at LRV but not at LRN?

Nowhere did I say that. Perfect example why I rarely post on the board.

Offline adrian

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #80 on: %883 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I don't enjoy participating on the boards but I enjoy viewing, mongers are the only ones to be anonymous? I see no reason why working ladies can't be discrete as well. I have met almost all of you in person, but I prefer an anonymous account because of how cruel this board can be towards each other. However, I saw something terrible and full of lies so I felt the need to set facts straight.

At least you aren’t pretending to be a monger  ;)


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #81 on: %919 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I don't enjoy participating on the boards but I enjoy viewing, mongers are the only ones to be anonymous? I see no reason why working ladies can't be discrete as well. I have met almost all of you in person, but I prefer an anonymous account because of how cruel this board can be towards each other. However, I saw something terrible and full of lies so I felt the need to set facts straight.

You're fine with Sonja doing terrible things at LRV but not at LRN?

Nowhere did I say that. Perfect example why I rarely post on the board.

Allow me to rephrase if you think it's a loaded question.

You said several top bookers left LRN when it was announced Sonja was coming.

You point out the mistreatment the LRV ladies received from Sonja as the reason.

I'm not questioning the validity of the mistreatment you're describing.

The houses hold a lot of power because they are the only legal option. It's their way or you can leave.

You ladies have to put up with food poisoning/told to be on the forums and bar and parlor but not your room/Hof's bullshit.

It's good if you're turning on Sonja because she mistreated the LRV ladies.

My question is - if you knew the LRV ladies were being mistreated why did you not say anything?

Offline Rand McNally

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #82 on: %957 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Entertainment-wise this thread has become a serious contender to Trump's tweets.

If Suzette didn't want a madame on the menu, the appropriate action would have been to contact Sonja prior to her move west and personally withdraw the employment offer. When real bosses must implement unpleasant decisions, they look people in the eye and tell them the facts. The business about the violating the 'picture culture' would be laughably childish if it hadn't caused Sonja so much trouble.

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #83 on: %034 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Rhianna Lovely – How do we know each other?  I checked all Suzette’s line-ups and didn’t find you.  Have we met?

 I agree that Suzette is amazing so we can start by agreeing.  I wouldn't have changed my life to work under her tutelage if I didn't value what makes her special.... that... and I wanted to help her during this especially challenging time.

 The ladies that DO love and support me are understandably keeping mum here.  I have suggested that ladies keep their distance from me out of self-interest right now.  There is no doubt in my mind this thread is being monitored and no one from Moundhouse needs to make a post on the wrong side of the fence when her livlihood is at stake.  That means the ladies posting attacks are fearless because all insults will likely get them brownie points. 

I don't know what programs you're talking about that hurt the ladies.  My programs incl. Sex Vacation Packages, a Laid Away program, and a Value Menu.  All ultimately had to be negotiated with individual ladies so ... are you talking about something else?  I never took ridiculously cheap parties but I was creative about accommodating budget parties or providing a pleasant brothel experience for tips.  When I first came on, several of the ladies were being bullied by a SM to walk everything under $500.  I introduced ideas about how to service those clients who didn't have that much to spend.  No one was ever required to play for any set price, though.  The new openness to accept budget parties increased business.

 As for plastering my picture all over the BB… not my call.  I never ran the website and didn’t make any important decisions about who got featured or when.  All the forums follow the exact same formula for who gets featured and where. Nothing is subjective.  It’s solely based on who books money.  Top Booker of the Year gets top spot for a full year or as much of the next year as she is with the company.  Next to her is the top booker of the month – 30 day spot. Featured ladies re ranked by their earnings all the way to about the 6th or 7th spot and then it’s random after that.  Sometimes a lady who didn’t earn a spot got featured – those ladies were known as D’s girlfriends.  For the record I was never one of D’s girlfriends.  If I was featured it was because I earned it. 

There is an area “Blogs” – where I could influence a lady getting featured.  I heavily encouraged and helped ladies with their blogs.  Brooklyn, Isabella, Dasha, & Jade are a handful of ladies I was able to get featured by helping them with their blogs.  Y’all should check those out – they are all quite good.
As for competing with the ladies… You are right.  Being a Madam on the Menu was a delicate dance.  I had a couple of bad examples to draw from when I first started and took special pains to avoid direct competition with ladies. I imagine, if I were unsuccessful at balancing that, Dennis would have never brought me back after my hiatus and Suzette would not have convinced me to work for her rather than resign.

 90% of my clients have been my lovers for years and have followed me regardless of where I was working.  I often shared my lovers with ladies in the house and I avoided mingles.  I did hit the line-ups during the day.  Any courtesan knows that guys choose a “type” from the line-up.  I am a mature, curvy, short-haired, blonde, with glasses and no tats.  If someone chose me it was because THAT was what they wanted.  If a guy came in wanting a brunette, spinner, tat girl, redhead, chocolate, thick girl, Hispanic, perky a-cups, whatever else I’m not – they pick her. I took great pains to create a very diverse line-up so we were not in competition with each other.

 It’s true there were ladies who moved to another house before my arrival.  The primary shit-stirrer ironically just got thrown out by Suzette.  The only reason she was on the line-up at LRV was because Suzette was sick of her bull and didn’t want to deal with her.  The only reason I didn’t get rid of her was that she was a Bff of one of D’s girlfriends and had “protected status”.  The only reason she ended back up north is because Dennis insisted.  He wanted to make sure all girls who could clear up north got a spot at one of his houses.  It’s not uncommon for one girl to stir up problems in the house.  A big part of management is to squash that and keep a positive happy vibe in the house.

« Last Edit: %039 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 by Sonja »

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #84 on: %035 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
... food portioning… that’s a fun story. 

The mandate at Hof houses was to have delicious meals available daily that pleased the ladies.  Lot’s of healthy options were required to be available.  We also were required to fix separate delicious meals for ladies who were vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, pork free, whatever free based on her requests.   Ladies were also free to have their own food stash if the item desired was too unique to her tastes.

Day time Shift Managers were also the cooks.  They made enough food for a hot meal everyday for every lady to eat heartily and still have leftovers to nosh on at her leisure.  Often, visiting staff (construction, maintenance, PR) were included in the list of people she cooked for.  From the time I got there, because Dennis was actively running for office, he and his entourage also had to be accounted for when deciding how much to cook.  The Shift Managers were amazing doing that job and rarely miscalculated.   If they did come up short, they cooked some more. 

It just so happened we had a girl in the house with an “eating issue”.  That was manageable…until we got another lady with an all out eating disorder.  It got to the point where if you weren’t in the kitchen when the SM announced the food was ready, you didn’t eat.  Those two girls would wipe out the food in no time flat.  Total feeding frenzy. Forget about the ladies who worked all night and didn’t get up till late. All the other ladies in the house were reasonably annoyed.  Additionally – Dennis would arrive with a gang  of campaign workers starving after long hard days of door knocking & no food.  We ended up doing portioned meals for Dennis and entourage as well to assure THEY had food to eat.   In spite of setting those portions aside, there was plenty of food in the house – enough so that our over-eaters continued to plump up.

So – when those 2 girls were in the house – no lady could serve herself immediately.  This was not my decision – it was the entire management team at LRV who came up with this solution to make everyone happy.  The SM created equally portioned meals for every lady in the house before anyone could take seconds, thirds, and fourths.  That assured that EVERYONE got the hearty, hot, and sometimes specialized meal they deserved.


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #85 on: %142 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I don't enjoy participating on the boards but I enjoy viewing, mongers are the only ones to be anonymous? I see no reason why working ladies can't be discrete as well. I have met almost all of you in person, but I prefer an anonymous account because of how cruel this board can be towards each other. However, I saw something terrible and full of lies so I felt the need to set facts straight.

Everyone who believes that stand on your head!


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #86 on: %149 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
I don't enjoy participating on the boards but I enjoy viewing, mongers are the only ones to be anonymous? I see no reason why working ladies can't be discrete as well. I have met almost all of you in person, but I prefer an anonymous account because of how cruel this board can be towards each other. However, I saw something terrible and full of lies so I felt the need to set facts straight.

Everyone who believes that stand on your head!

Do you really want me to start outing monger fetishes to prove myself? No, trust me, you don't.


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #87 on: %254 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
This thread is going to be an interesting reference point for how people remember 2018 on the SIN forums. I can see the headlines now.

BREAKING: Moundhouse exposed, with insider info!

In all seriousness, anyone who cares about maintaining the image of LRN in particular should probably not post on this thread escalating the spicy drama any further. This thread is sitting at 8 pages now, and is getting a fair ammount of attention because of the escalation, and the "insider information" being offered. The best thing that you can do is ignore stuff like this. If you've done nothing wrong, then there's no reason to defend yourself. Actions speak louder than words, blah blah. LRN has been through enough in the past few years, and the responses in this thread appear to be a poor attempt at damage control.

Drop it, move on, and rebuild.
« Last Edit: %256 %11, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 by roxanneprice »

Offline Sonja

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #88 on: %572 %12, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
This thread is going to be an interesting reference point for how people remember 2018 on the SIN forums. I can see the headlines now.

BREAKING: Moundhouse exposed, with insider info!

In all seriousness, anyone who cares about maintaining the image of LRN in particular should probably not post on this thread escalating the spicy drama any further. This thread is sitting at 8 pages now, and is getting a fair ammount of attention because of the escalation, and the "insider information" being offered. The best thing that you can do is ignore stuff like this. If you've done nothing wrong, then there's no reason to defend yourself. Actions speak louder than words, blah blah. LRN has been through enough in the past few years, and the responses in this thread appear to be a poor attempt at damage control.

Drop it, move on, and rebuild.

I didn’t consider the actual stories illustrating the nuts & bolts realities behind the scenes as “spicey” & any “damage” is over so “control” is a misnomer.  I posted to inform & to reach out to people I’ve been interacting with for 7 years now - as any person who was just dealt a blow in life might confide in friends. I’ve gotten more clarity & peace as I get more time & distance.  I’m already moving on, I already have a new direction, & I am happy to let this topic go.
« Last Edit: %573 %12, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 by Sonja »

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #89 on: %808 %12, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Open your own brothel (or a strip club). You are very capable person and you will do very well. You will have many loyal clients.