Author Topic: It didn't work out at Moundhouse  (Read 10725 times)

Cherry Lane

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #30 on: %327 %09, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Promises were broken with mind-numbing speed, to the point I wondered if I was losing my mind.

To be clear, I had already resigned at Love Ranch Vegas and had plans to get back to my life in TN & FL.  Suzette lured us to Moundhouse with job offers and an appealing compensation package as well as promises of a reliable chain of command & management support.  I have resisted going up North for years but I was very excited by the time I accepted this job.  After a 6 day cross country road trip in the RV, I arrived.  Doctored on the way there, got my Sheriff's card the next morning and booked a substantial party within hours of being on the floor.  I met with Suzette and shared all the suggestions from clients about what we could do to improve the house.  Day 2, another party & a deposit posted. Day 3, finally got moved in, and with permission from Suzette & guidance from the Cashier, hung some pictures in the house.  And THAT was the end of my career at Moundhouse.

The next morning I awoke to an email banning me from Love Ranch for a week & forbidding me from communicating with the ladies online.  Suzette said she would meet with me Thursday to discuss my role there.  Instead, she fired me via email on Wed., then told me to come in on Thursday and she would get back with me about my role there.   Suzette never got back to ME - but told the staff to treat me like any other working girl.  No one in upper management returned texts or emails and, this morning I am "banned" from the Bunny Board.

The whole experience felt like I slid down the rabbit hole and landed in a Nightmare Wonderland with an insane Queen intent on destroying me. The quick transition from the happy welcoming Suzette who seduced me into going there vs. the bitter, angry Suzette I got on my arrival created a barometric energy akin to Kathy Bates in Misery when she walked in and told James Caan, "I'm feeling blue today".

This is an unprecedented experience in my life (thankfully).  I am a serious pumpkin and very earnest about my work ethic.  I'm loyal as a dog to people who have been good to me and I am obsessive about keeping my promises.  I'm not a bridge burner.  In fact, I have never burned a bridge.  But I'm throwing a match on this one.

Every time I think I've done it all - some new experience smacks me upside the head.  And now, life will go on in a different direction.

I am sure you will respond with lies!

Unfortunately I will not be responding as I am professional,  said what I needed... THE FACTS!

But now I have a career which I need to attend too.


Offline RoxyGold

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #31 on: %505 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Just when I thought the hatred and malice was over and it was safe for me to go on SIN again...

Sonja, you and I have never met, but we had enough banter on the Bunny Board as well as a handful of gents in common that I considered you a close acquaintance by proxy. Reading this post, you’re just not the person I thought you were. Belittling Love Ranch North as the “not money making house” when it’s just logistics that each location has different sales numbers at different times. Needing to boast that upon arrival you had bookings and deposits, is that really necessary? I guess so, if you have something to prove. Belittling Madam Suzette at all, and going as far as to make those kind of hurtful insulting comparisons, just wow. “The evil queen out to destroy you?” Are you serious? I have seen more mature and professional behavior from sixteen year olds. To say I’m disappointed is such an understatement.

I hope the next chapter of your life brings you peace and happiness, but you don’t need to say hurtful things about other people all over the internet to make yourself look good. All you’re doing is proving you’re just as petty and childish as anyone else.
« Last Edit: %510 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 by RoxyGold »
So long and thanks for all the Fish.

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #32 on: %632 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Just when I thought the hatred and malice was over and it was safe for me to go on SIN again...

Sonja, you and I have never met, but we had enough banter on the Bunny Board as well as a handful of gents in common that I considered you a close acquaintance by proxy. Reading this post, you’re just not the person I thought you were. Belittling Love Ranch North as the “not money making house” when it’s just logistics that each location has different sales numbers at different times. Needing to boast that upon arrival you had bookings and deposits, is that really necessary? I guess so, if you have something to prove. Belittling Madam Suzette at all, and going as far as to make those kind of hurtful insulting comparisons, just wow. “The evil queen out to destroy you?” Are you serious? I have seen more mature and professional behavior from sixteen year olds. To say I’m disappointed is such an understatement.

I hope the next chapter of your life brings you peace and happiness, but you don’t need to say hurtful things about other people all over the internet to make yourself look good. All you’re doing is proving you’re just as petty and childish as anyone else.

I did not see anything in my posts belittling the ladies at LRN.  They are all hot delicious delights except for the one - who I did not out - she outed herself.  And I will not get into it with her - everyone here can read and determine for themselves where the vitriol is coming from. I would still encourage the gents to call on those ladies regardless of any feelings about my issues with that company.  You don't punish the working girls for the sins of the owners.

It is no shame on the ladies that LRN is the lowest earning house at this time. It wasn't always that way and it won't always be that way. The reason Suzette told me she wanted me to run that house is because she is only one person and couldn't devote as much time to them as they deserved.  Her focus is reasonably on the houses that bring in the most money.  That's just good business practice.  The extra attention to LRN and the extra support for the ladies would have worked in their favor.  Now that it's public that they could use help and support - it's likely they'll get it out of spite for me - which is cool with me.  However it happens as long as it happens.

The "boast" was a short little timeline - 2 days in the house before the insanity - illustrating that everything was on course and nothing bad happened.  So, in my opinion, necessary details.

I know you love Suzette and I support that.   I wanted to love her, too.  I would have loved to have her mentor me. I was looking forward to working with her.  I don't hate her or wish her ill.  I just saw a different side than you have.  I hope you never see that.   No one deserves to be treated like that.

As for finding peace... it is already coming. I lost 10 lbs and my stomach was in knots the whole time I was there (barely over a week).  The first deep breath I could take came as we were driving away.  The storm is passed and I have rainbows on the horizon.

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #33 on: %633 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Colwyn - I can't give you any info about your situation there because I wasn't there or involved.  I have no idea what happened behind the scenes or why.
« Last Edit: %635 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 by Sonja »

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #34 on: %640 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Notice how the loudest voice from Mound House in the recent past has not chimed in at all.

Sonya, if you feel that you are truly gone and never to return, I think we would all value your honest appraisal of the conditions at the Hof legacy houses and your predictions for the near future. You may well be in the best position to comment.

Any reason I had in the past to stay mum about anything has been removed.  But, I'll warn you, I don't have a lot of bad things to say.  I learned a lot of important things there and forged many lifelong bonds.  I will be honest, though.

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #35 on: %659 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Sonja, you and I have never met, but we had enough banter on the Bunny Board as well as a handful of gents in common that I considered you a close acquaintance by proxy.

That is a mutual sentiment.  I've admired you from afar and always enjoyed your good energy.  I wish you the best as well.  So sorry I didn't get a chance to spend any face to face time getting to know you better.

Offline Jack Rackham

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #36 on: %691 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Promises were broken with mind-numbing speed, to the point I wondered if I was losing my mind.

To be clear, I had already resigned at Love Ranch Vegas and had plans to get back to my life in TN & FL.  Suzette lured us to Moundhouse with job offers and an appealing compensation package as well as promises of a reliable chain of command & management support.  I have resisted going up North for years but I was very excited by the time I accepted this job.  After a 6 day cross country road trip in the RV, I arrived.  Doctored on the way there, got my Sheriff's card the next morning and booked a substantial party within hours of being on the floor.  I met with Suzette and shared all the suggestions from clients about what we could do to improve the house.  Day 2, another party & a deposit posted. Day 3, finally got moved in, and with permission from Suzette & guidance from the Cashier, hung some pictures in the house.  And THAT was the end of my career at Moundhouse.

The next morning I awoke to an email banning me from Love Ranch for a week & forbidding me from communicating with the ladies online.  Suzette said she would meet with me Thursday to discuss my role there.  Instead, she fired me via email on Wed., then told me to come in on Thursday and she would get back with me about my role there.   Suzette never got back to ME - but told the staff to treat me like any other working girl.  No one in upper management returned texts or emails and, this morning I am "banned" from the Bunny Board.

The whole experience felt like I slid down the rabbit hole and landed in a Nightmare Wonderland with an insane Queen intent on destroying me. The quick transition from the happy welcoming Suzette who seduced me into going there vs. the bitter, angry Suzette I got on my arrival created a barometric energy akin to Kathy Bates in Misery when she walked in and told James Caan, "I'm feeling blue today".

This is an unprecedented experience in my life (thankfully).  I am a serious pumpkin and very earnest about my work ethic.  I'm loyal as a dog to people who have been good to me and I am obsessive about keeping my promises.  I'm not a bridge burner.  In fact, I have never burned a bridge.  But I'm throwing a match on this one.

Every time I think I've done it all - some new experience smacks me upside the head.  And now, life will go on in a different direction.

As I earned my college degree in business, I would never slander anyone publically after repeatedly stating how professional I am.

I think you just did.


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #37 on: %717 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
When I saw this topic yesterday, I thought about the whole "two sides to every argument" thing and didn't comment.  After Cherry's rambling mess of a post, I think Sonja's probably in the right.

I didn't see anything unprofessional about Sonja's post, though I can't say the same for the Moundhouse smear campaign.  Anyway Sonja, best of luck in whatever you choose to do.


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #38 on: %723 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
We still don’t have all the info, as Suzette and Sonja are the only ones who know what happened, but I agree with Colt. This is a mess and a bad situation all around. Probably need to cut it off soon.

And Colwyn, I don’t know what you expect to get out of this. It was two years ago and you already had Dennis make amends. If you need more closure, maybe do it in a DM with the lady?

Offline mobeerlswhine

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #39 on: %731 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
But I still feel, I deserved the right to know why this happen?. And why Vanity was put in that situation also.

But why in this thread? This is SO not about you. Start a thread about it. It is boorish and rude of you to try to hijack this thread when the subject is exceedingly well defined and vitally important with nothing whatsoever to do with you or any individual client for that matter.

Offline Kevinz0071

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #40 on: %742 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
Still FUCKING Wait for Your answer Cherry Lane!!!!!.  ;) >:(

With all due respect Colwyn you should be asking Vanity this or Cherry Lane. Vanity was the one you negotiated with and so she would be the one who knows what happened.
Been on this board 8 years and some people still need to grow up
Some of you need to learn forum rules 6 & 7
Cyber tough guys make me lol

Offline mobeerlswhine

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #41 on: %757 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
So that is why I replied here, about what happen to me. I did NOT! hijack this thread in anyway shape or form, and you know it. So get off my ball sack.

Still don't get it, do you? This thread is about a real conflict between the house management and someone working as both a provider and formerly a madam. It is not about you or any client experience. The conflict is happening within this past week and is seeming still ongoing. Your alleged conflict doesn't have anything to do with Sonya and likely nothing to do with Suzette. But even if it did, this is NOT the place to seek or get answers.

It is clear that you are seeking attention. Absolutely nothing is stopping you from staring a unique thread.


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #42 on: %778 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
The last few posters on here are right Colwyn. If you want an answer, DM the providers. If you want attention, start a new thread. But really, this happened two years ago and you said Dennis talked to you and resolved the situation. Let it go.


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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #43 on: %788 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
But I still feel, I deserved the right to know why this happen?. And why Vanity was put in that situation also.

But why in this thread? This is SO not about you. Start a thread about it. It is boorish and rude of you to try to hijack this thread when the subject is exceedingly well defined and vitally important with nothing whatsoever to do with you or any individual client for that matter.

This thread was about something that happen to someone working at the love ranch. So that is why I replied here, about what happen to me. I did NOT! hijack this thread in anyway shape or form, and you know it. So get off my ball sack.
Hey Colwyn, I don't mean to sound rude but you are definitely out of line here. The type of input that you are providing here comes across as inappropriate, and unhinged.

I do not know what happened when you partied at LRN, as I did not hear anything about your issue when it happened. It could have been a cashier interfering, or the lady decided that she was uncomfortable with the amount. She gave you your money back, so there's no reason for you to be upset about it two years later. Please drop it.
« Last Edit: %789 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 by roxanneprice »

Offline wrb55roscojr

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Re: It didn't work out at Moundhouse
« Reply #44 on: %799 %10, %2018, %0:%Dec:%th %-08:00 »
But I still feel, I deserved the right to know why this happen?. And why Vanity was put in that situation also.

But why in this thread? This is SO not about you. Start a thread about it. It is boorish and rude of you to try to hijack this thread when the subject is exceedingly well defined and vitally important with nothing whatsoever to do with you or any individual client for that matter.

This thread was about something that happen to someone working at the love ranch. So that is why I replied here, about what happen to me. I did NOT! hijack this thread in anyway shape or form, and you know it. So get off my ball sack.
Hey Colwyn, I don't mean to sound rude but you are definitely out of line here. The type of input that you are providing here comes across as inappropriate, and unhinged.

I do not know what happened when you partied at LRN, as I did not hear anything about your issue when it happened. It could have been a cashier interfering, or the lady decided that she was uncomfortable with the amount. She gave you your money back, so there's no reason for you to be upset about it two years later. Please drop it.

Am starting to think this this thread should be locked! Colwyn this was two years ago, you will never get the answer that you want.