Author Topic: Sheri's On reopening  (Read 1825 times)

Offline hikingguy2013

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Re: Sheri's On reopening
« Reply #15 on: %677 %24, %2020, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »

There is no way the brothels will survive using her rules.  You have less than half of the ladies so half the income. Or you double your prices.  But you won't have many customers.

Plus the brothels won't reopen until social distancing and masks are no longer.  So when the Raiders can have a full stadium. The Vegas Strip is packed and Casinos are back at full operation without all the bs social distancing and masks will the brothels even have a chance to open. 

BTW: Do you really think the Governor cares if the brothels every reopen?

Maybe, just maybe, Sheri's management was instructed by the government open again at 50% capacity, and in time capacity could be 100%.  In the past by a list of scheduled ladies, a full Sheri's house consisted of 24 ladies.  Thus, 50% capacity is 12 ladies.  What may happen with the ladies rooms - half of the rooms used for partying, while with the other half ladies can use these rooms for sleeping, showering, etc.

That is a very logical explanation, ladies have their own room and no one enters other then the lady and a housekeeper if needed. Might make some ladies feel safer with their work environment. Will many ladies return though? I am sure some will reach out to their clients and see if they will see them if they do go back.

Offline ugetwhatugive

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Re: Sheri's On reopening
« Reply #16 on: %646 %30, %2020, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
Still no updates on Sheri's Twitter account or any of the ladies. For now, it seems to be a "let's wait an see" time

Offline Ironman

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Re: Sheri's On reopening
« Reply #17 on: %831 %30, %2020, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
🤔🤔 Hell compared to the MR plan Sheris is like a hippie free love party wood stock type festival.

It would essentially be the let's all play operation room party but still a hippie free love orgy compared to the Mustang.

I can't afford to go to Sheris obviously any time soon. But their operation role play sex orgy role party still gives the non Nevada resident looking to do what they can't do in any other state in this country legally pay for sex some incentive to at least consider taking the trip. Price of party might be an issue for some people, given the reputation Sheris has, but that is a totally different discussion. Personally I didn't feel they were really all that much higher then the other 5 I have been too. The biggest difference between Sheris and Mustang for me was the Bar at Sheris closed, and maybe still does at 2 am. So the place turned into a ghost town. Baai at Sheris if you showed up much after 12 am you better 1 have an appointment, or 2 Be prepared to pick from whichever girls were willing to get up and or come out of there room.

Buy house rules at least last time I was there  almost 9 years ago you could show up 24 hours a day, and request to talk to any lady even if she was day shift, and it was 2 am. The shift boss was supposed to inform the lady she was requested she could then say yes or no.  There were several occasions back when Kristine was working there. I would hear from her at a time of day. I thought she might be sleeping. I would then respond late or early request? The response was always yes. But that was not really shocking with the exception of our last time together on a mattress it was late afternoon.   No matter what brothel it was I always either keeping her up late, or getting her out of bed in the middle of the night. So I kinda owed her that last time at a time of day that for me was middle of the night, but a normal time of day for a lot of people.

Anyway the only downside I can see to there only being 12 girls. They will officially be on 24/7 on call if they have at least 25 minimum normally they can break up into shifts. They might have to be informed if some dumb ass fool like me shows up at 3 am, says I want girl X wake her butt Up please.😁😁 If the shift boss does what she is supposed to do knock on the girls door assuming the rules are still the same if the house is full its easier for the girl to say no or ignore the wake up call.

But if they only have 12 or fewer they pretty much have to jump in every line up unless already with some one, and get up for every request even if all she does is quote 10K hoping the guy will say F that and eiher leave or talk to the other 11.

I do know on occasions at least years ago they would go with less then 20 girls in hpuse at sherris, but that was usually like Christmas week or just after before new years eve.

So um yeah I can see some problems. But compared to the Mustang proposal the sheries plan is like hippie free love orgy festival.😄😄🤘🏻🤘🏻

Offline Wildfire

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Re: Sheri's On reopening
« Reply #18 on: %848 %30, %2020, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
🤔🤔 Hell compared to the MR plan Sheris is like a hippie free love party wood stock type festival.

It would essentially be the let's all play operation room party but still a hippie free love orgy compared to the Mustang.

I can't afford to go to Sheris obviously any time soon. But their operation role play sex orgy role party still gives the non Nevada resident looking to do what they can't do in any other state in this country legally pay for sex some incentive to at least consider taking the trip. Price of party might be an issue for some people, given the reputation Sheris has, but that is a totally different discussion. Personally I didn't feel they were really all that much higher then the other 5 I have been too. The biggest difference between Sheris and Mustang for me was the Bar at Sheris closed, and maybe still does at 2 am. So the place turned into a ghost town. Baai at Sheris if you showed up much after 12 am you better 1 have an appointment, or 2 Be prepared to pick from whichever girls were willing to get up and or come out of there room.

Buy house rules at least last time I was there  almost 9 years ago you could show up 24 hours a day, and request to talk to any lady even if she was day shift, and it was 2 am. The shift boss was supposed to inform the lady she was requested she could then say yes or no.  There were several occasions back when Kristine was working there. I would hear from her at a time of day. I thought she might be sleeping. I would then respond late or early request? The response was always yes. But that was not really shocking with the exception of our last time together on a mattress it was late afternoon.   No matter what brothel it was I always either keeping her up late, or getting her out of bed in the middle of the night. So I kinda owed her that last time at a time of day that for me was middle of the night, but a normal time of day for a lot of people.

Anyway the only downside I can see to there only being 12 girls. They will officially be on 24/7 on call if they have at least 25 minimum normally they can break up into shifts. They might have to be informed if some dumb ass fool like me shows up at 3 am, says I want girl X wake her butt Up please.😁😁 If the shift boss does what she is supposed to do knock on the girls door assuming the rules are still the same if the house is full its easier for the girl to say no or ignore the wake up call.

But if they only have 12 or fewer they pretty much have to jump in every line up unless already with some one, and get up for every request even if all she does is quote 10K hoping the guy will say F that and eiher leave or talk to the other 11.

I do know on occasions at least years ago they would go with less then 20 girls in hpuse at sherris, but that was usually like Christmas week or just after before new years eve.

So um yeah I can see some problems. But compared to the Mustang proposal the sheries plan is like hippie free love orgy festival.😄😄🤘🏻🤘🏻

It's a plan, but I would bet on Nye County and the State saying it a no go.  Then you add the death of the driver for the computation it gives the no side more ammo. They won't open until stage 4 so when will that be who knows.

Offline Ironman

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Re: Sheri's On reopening
« Reply #19 on: %884 %30, %2020, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
You are probably correct WF I was just pointing out the Sheris plan sounds more appealing then the mustang proposal if you are travling to Nevada from another state. Rather or not either gets approved doesn't really matter to me. If I get to Nevada at all this year it will be Reno.

Vegas sometime in 21 maybe if at all.

Offline ugetwhatugive

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Re: Sheri's On reopening
« Reply #20 on: %165 %01, %2020, %1:%Jun:%st %-07:00 »
Unfortunately, I think brothels are going to be part of stage 4. No new information posted on ranch's Twitter account