This thread is intended to be of good cheer, so if Q does not want this post on it go ahead and delete it - no argument from me:
'Twas the year of the pandemic
and all 'cross the land
People were panicked
activities were banned
What started as caution
to flatten the curve
Became an overreach of power
you object? What nerve!
Government bureaucrats
demanding compliance
"I'm not being petty
look here - it's science!"
Close up shop, shutter brothels
I say you must go!
But because of the money
you can stay - Home Depot!
You'll miss family and paychecks
but I won't shed a tear
I'll go out to restaurants
when I think you're not near
But with the vaccine
and its power to save
The bureaucrats lose power
they must start to behave
So with the new year
and meeting again to have fun
Vote them out all
Each and every one