Author Topic: Hopeless Redux - Ft. Urban Challenge Mode  (Read 386 times)

Offline HopelessRealist

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Hopeless Redux - Ft. Urban Challenge Mode
« on: May 07, 2024, 07:44:17 AM »
I was been back through Nevada since my original full-tour post, once quickly and once for a longer trip, though have been (now very) slow to finish this post.  I felt like I was not done with my orientation to LPIN, so went a bit hard in the paint while I could.  I’m coming back to this because at the very least what I do want to do is leave info to help other mongers (present or would-be), get into things with a bit less of a learning curve.  Post will be long but hopefully I can divide/format it well enough to be scannable.

During the last run I tried specifically to get more used to the city-adjacent houses and find some acceptable ranges to do business in more of them.  While some things will be highly individual based on provider, my overall take is still that the northeast i-80 corridor, especially Elko, is the most comfortable and overall best place to be doing business, with the possible exception for the Mustang Ranch.  This is for a combination of rates, business practices, attitudes, and (most) houses there.  However, I have now also moved even farther away from Nevada, and may also not have as good of window for longer road trips, so that means that the value of easy access via the major airports becomes a much larger factor (price, but more importantly time). Hopefully I can still occasionally manage some more leisurely stays/passes through the north, but in the meantime I wanted to try a bit harder to find some footing the Reno/Vegas area markets and leave whatever data/tips I can for others coming from farther away who may have similar issues.

I’ll try to leave as much info as I can here to help people understand the overall scene but I still feel like specific party info/reviews are too personal.  This was already the case for me, given my own personality and especially due to how much I screen based on conversation/personality matches (on top of physical attraction obviously), but after encountering a couple explicitly more private individuals during these passes, including one who decided I was worthy of more of an emotional bond, it is now even more the case. I will give some general circumstantial recounting and in some cases where it seems relevant I’ll admit to meeting someone, but that’s about it.  In some cases if anyone wants to ask a question or get a recommendation by DM that might work, though there are limits to what I will say (note: I will also not reveal the identity of that specific individual).

I tried to understand more houses/markets better and done some more price recon which I will leave in the appropriate thread, with some new obfuscation methods there.  I did my best to gather data, but sadly as much as I want to do recon it is not my main reason for being in a brothel.  That said I’ve actually gathered enough price data in my head that I have even given some of it back to a couple ladies who were newer to the job or a region and could make use of it for their own market knowledge.  I will try to aim for a broader market transparency there while not outing anyone or any “deal” too much in public.  I will say though that in higher price brackets I unfortunately have had to succumb much more to negotiation than I would like, whereas when in more reasonable ranges I was previously more or less just accepting opening offers or not.  The rates in the bigger areas, especially at Sheri’s/Chicken/Bunny, make it basically impossible to do business if just excepting/rejecting sticker price (there are few ladies who are more merciful in their strategy/opening offers, but they are limited).

I don’t like this aspect of things and am never going to, but have a few more rounds under the belt now.  Most were OK, if not successful, though one was a bit of a dumpster fire.  The whole setup is still too much of a breeding ground for distrust, dissatisfaction, or resentment if both sides are not fully aware of the market landscape.  I am also growing to appreciate girls with printed “menus” so at least I know that their opening verbal offer is not based on how big of a rube/mark they think I am and rather just their standard ask for anyone.  Side note: my personal obsession with fairness has also caused me to unlock the achievement “bid a lady upward to a higher price.”  This has actually happened three times now with two different individuals when I could have paid a bit less but could tell the acceptance did not seem like a satisfied one, so I volunteered the tweak myself.  For better or worse, I be SMRT.  :|

BTW I will try to not be too super redundant with my previous threads here.  For reference the most relevant ones were the initial all-house tour and the question +follow-up thread re: more expensive houses, found respectively here:

Anyway, on to the real info…

Offline HopelessRealist

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Re: Hopeless Redux - Ft. Urban Challenge Mode
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2024, 07:46:06 AM »
Additional Easy Mode notes from the northeast:

OK, maybe not everything is “easy” here, especially outside of the parts of Elko where the (vanilla) negotiation is not needed...  Still, after trying to sail the other seas more, compared to other areas, especially Pahrump, the northeast seem very chill.  Still for me the standard of measure for doing business, unless you count Ely as part of this area, in which case good luck.  A few notes from having been through here again:


I managed to do actual business here now and the experience was good.  Obviously it will depend on who you are dealing with, but Bella’s does seem to cost more on average than Elko and some of this may be due to getting a bit more business from truckers and maybe a lot more from Salt Lake City.  So you have to be prepared for that reality, though it’s not too different than Desert Rose.  The second bartender I met here was also very friendly, understanding, and talkative, which along with a good party match-up made things feel a lot easier to handle this time (to be fair my previous experience was my first time ever stepping foot in a Nevada brothel – oh how far away that now seems).  Elko is maybe easier to deal with overall, but if there is someone you want to see here, go for it.


I found out it is apparently owned by the same guy from Big 4 in Ely that I was not a fan of, so between that and no info on web page, was skipping.  There was some other removed thread here that had me scratching my head.  I feel bad for any lady caught in the blast radius of bad management and/or controversy, but that is a harsh reality.  Do what you will, but I am in in no rush on this one for now.

Desert Rose:

I was actually intending to do business at DR after having met a couple more of the ladies there in recon mode, but had some schedule-coordination failure so whiffed again.  My impression here overall though is still positive.  I’ve met all 3 current bartenders, all friendly, and one who was even offering some helpful info for local car repairs, and 5 ladies, all nice/reasonable to different degrees, though the length of interactions varied.  Was interested in doing business with some of them, so assuming those individuals felt OK dealing with me then TBD


The first time I came though my parties happened at Inez’s, but the second time this reversed.  Obviously these two houses are similar, though there were a few minor differences.  When booking at Inez’s the lady would get a free drink, but at Mona’s you buy it.  In the scheme of things those are not the dollar amounts I’m very worried about, so this does not deter me much, but it might be good to know so you don’t get surprised.  Also I am not sure if the inconsistency was due to provider confusion in one house or another, but it seemed that Mona’s did not want you using your own condoms.  This policy has varied all over the state, though more seemed to allow it than not.  Usually not mission critical, but also worth a note especially if you have something you prefer you may need to verify this.


Was through briefly just before it’s brief closure/cleaning and then again a little after the re-opening.  Sky was around the first time but not back yet the second.  I missed the new manager and met the bartender and one lady instead, but it seems at this point things have reverted back to the previous state (which I am a fan of) anyway.  Hopefully the new-new-new state continues on with it’s unique casual friendliness and does well.

Calico Club:

Had a decent experience here.  The party itself was maybe above-average clock-concerned, but the surrounding conversation was generous (especially since it was more obvious that I was real business this time and also since there were two ladies present and talking did not mean monopolizing all present staff).  Side note: slow progress was being made on some of the renovations/additions going on.  I’ve since seen a couple of pictures that look complete or close to it so they seem like they have an increasingly nice setup going on there for a smaller house.

Offline HopelessRealist

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Re: Hopeless Redux - Ft. Urban Challenge Mode
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2024, 07:48:44 AM »
Hard Mode – Mustang/Sagebrush/LRN (RIP Kit Kat)


I almost don’t want to put Mustang under this heading since my two experiences here have both been very smooth and enjoyable.  On top of that a previous acquaintance from Mound House has moved over there, so 3/3 of the ladies I actually know there have been great.  That said it does sit a bit more in this bracket due to the potential price ranges, area market, etc.

I stopped by the Mustang for their Halloween party and it turned out I had merely by chance wore a matching costume with a certain lady who I then also got along with, so this was maybe an oddly serendipitous experience in that instance, but nonetheless it was another positive party and also enough for me to recommend checking the place out during an event if you are so inclined.

There is the potential at least for things to get pricier here, and have heard a couple opening-offer/”standard” prices that are getting up there, but at the same time if you are well behaved and getting along with some my offer/negotiation experience at the Mustang has been fairly forgiving and flowed without any issues.  This could vary highly of course, but if the attitudes of the people I’ve dealt with are somewhat within the average ballpark, then this is a nicer place to do business in than most others in this range.  Also, while it seemed to depend some on whether certain facilities were open/free, both times some degree of add-on use was offered at no charge beyond the main party/extension price (vs. say, Pahrump where this was a clear upsell).

Also, Mustang is still one of if not the best place to ease into things while socializing more casually, largely due to it’s bar/lounge setup, and in fact I swung back through to visit someone on a non-party day for purely conversational reasons (being mindful to not be in the way of bigger business, but it worked out OK) and there are only one or two other houses I’d feel comfortable doing that at all.


I have whiffed twice at Sagebrush due to fatigue, making them recon-only nights.  I did run into someone interesting here the second time who seemed party-worthy, but I never made it back after being spoken for elsewhere.  There was a surprisingly monger-friendly rate quoted to me by one of the girls who interestingly had wanted to come to a brothel as a customer before now starting to work at one, and so was a bit more sympathetic to the client side (unclear how long that might last).  It did serve as an example of just how much variance there can be under one roof, though it’s not always easy to find…

I was around for a Karaoke night this time which was mildly amusing.  Not crazy fun, but given the Sagebrush’s hang-out lounge setup people do actually participate here vs. at MBR where it was more just some background noise.  I did relent and sing (barely – I am awful) one song.  Also narrowly missed a real-life SIN forum user encounter here, but it was deemed by the brothel gods to not happen this time.

Love Ranch North:

While not quite as chill as the Kit Kat had seemed, the Love Ranch is a case of what to me seems like an “ordinary” house.  It is about what you expect to deal with on average with no particular bells or whistles.  Line-up or request, negotiate, party or GTFO, but also not super high pressure/rushed or total nosebleed rates.  The only really noticeable thing here is that for now there is still a hard out on the early-AM closing time, vs the 24-hour houses.  I’ve met a couple different bartenders here who range in personality, and 2 different manager/cashiers who were generally OK though one seemed more exasperated with my dilly-dallying.  OK place to do business though, in my limited experience.

Alien Cathouse:

Just could not fit this in despite passing by again.  Was daytime this time though when I was passing through.  Went in the gift shop there though which was kind of funny if you like that sort of thing.  Did not realize there is even a fast food restaurant in the back.

Offline HopelessRealist

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Re: Hopeless Redux - Ft. Urban Challenge Mode
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2024, 07:59:30 AM »
Nightmare Mode – Chickens, Bunnies, and Sheri’s - oh my:

I had only managed to do business at one of these spots my first time through, as the incline was just too steep.  I went to NV the last time with the goal of doing business everywhere I had interest in, and while I did miss a few, I did somehow manage to succeed in these three hardest targets.  It was not cheap, but it was also not anywhere near the worst case, nor the average starting/asking prices, and in all cases (some more than others), I as able to work with some general time management/flexibility.  No one was hardcore clock-watching outside of a bit one time due to an encroaching appointment afterward, and cost averages also started to come down some due to actual time being spent together, on top of (almost) everyone being good about some getting-to-know-you conversation lead-ins.

The attraction of these places comes both from ease of access but also bigger rosters/line-ups than anywhere other than Mustang.  The problem is that the pricing tiers here are nosebleed levels and also due to that amount of money flying around they tend to be much less friendly to you “wasting” time getting to know someone before a party.  I found a few things that might help, but it may never be easy in these spots, at least if you are on a mortal budget and/or if you are honest about being a bit monger-y.

Oddly my first time through Nevada in the summer the only one of these three I managed to be able to deal with was Chicken Ranch, and while it was doable again this time it felt like the roughest one, and I had my only crash-and-burn negotiation of the year there.  Meanwhile I found some pockets of mercy at Sheri’s and also some hidden value/perks there, so the two houses have now inverted for me in how easy they are to deal with.  Bunny Ranch also loosened up a bit, but only after I was there for real business, and though I have interest in a few women there, some of them may sadly be a case of “the rent is too damn high” and just not realistically possible/competitive with other options…  anyway...

Moonlite Bunny Ranch

I had met someone here during my first trip that I wanted to get back to.  Her rate was in the roughly-expected bracket but not as bad as some others there, and we had gotten along fairly well.  There may have been some question the first time as to whether I was just a tourist stopping by, but this time she knew I meant business and so things proceeded with less tentative skepticism.  That said I wonder if this backfires a bit in negotiations, because if you return specifically for someone later they may think (rightly so in this case) that you are less likely to walk.  While there are (much) harsher prices in this tier I was honest with this lady that the amount was doable for an initial curiosity but that it would make repeat (let alone regular) business difficult if not impossible.  I was given some decent time with a bit of a “not super strict shot clock” promise, which helps a bit when dealing with a higher dollar amount.

We talked quite a bit before, as well as a bit after while I was lingering in the bar, but what was also interesting here was the shift in attitude there in general once doing real (non-drink-at-the-bar) business.  The bartender (though a cool woman anyway) had no issue with me sitting around chatting up a few more ladies and doing a couple of price checks, and the ladies themselves knew I had been in for a request/party and so at least in some cases seemed a bit more friendly toward casual conversation vs. being just some rando stopping by.  Some of this might have also been that it seemed like a slow night, though I was in on a Friday and was surprised at that (I’ve been told often now that these things are not easily predictable).  Some of the girls might have wondered WTF some weirdo was doing chilling at the bar for so long after a party, but for the most part things were friendly/relaxed and I did get to meet a few more people and even just observe some interesting personalities, happenings, and a couple of business details.

This was also their Karaoke night, but no one was singing the whole time except once or twice some of the girls joking around with themselves.  I was told it was not really as much of a thing there as at Sagebrush, since normally there are not people hanging out in the parlor area at Bunny.  I did kind of appreciate the vibe there that night, and it would earn a higher spot on my list of places to go if not for the average price bracket.


On my first trip Sheri’s came off as the toughest environment to deal with.  It’s still not easy but I am softening here after two good experiences and a few learning curve details.

First, if you can manage it, REQUEST a lady, and the aggressive 10-minute timers on bar intros go away.  This was absolutely huge.  You are still dealing with individual personalities and some might not want to talk for to long, but my personal style is pretty effective on it’s own at filtering that down.  Also, on talking to the hosts more, I learned that even if you do a bar call and there are 10-minute timers going, if you find someone you think you like, you can still then tell the host you are requesting that lady.  This will stop the bar call from going further and you can go off-timer with that lady so it is not overly rushed.  I technically did not have to even make use of that second part, but those two things along turn Sheri’s from an annoying/overwhelming experience into maybe even above average in it’s ease of conversation (since they have all 3 options: line-up, bar call, request).  The remaining problem is just still of course that it’s usually expensive as fuck.

There are a few other oddities I looked into while here as well. 
1) ID scans, as mentioned in a previous thread, are (at least allegedly) kept only locally on the tablets and wiped daily.
2) I confirmed that they are in fact actively listening to negotiations in the ladies’ rooms.  There may be a couple other houses that do this, especially if there is a designated negotiation room, but it did take a bit of adjusting.  I am OK with this in principle and understand why, but did not like it being a surprise the first time due to certain sensitive things you could say in the process.  Now that I know, I want to keep it a bit more business-only in that portion, and if there is something slightly more personal (as long as it is not relevant to party type), I’ll not say anything until after agreeing to book.

The first party I did here involved someone who had responded to a price-ballpark query e-mail in the summer with a (as per regulations) vague “can work with that”/”we should talk” response.  Going in this time I requested her directly and to my surprise not only did she not mind talking fairly extensively first, but she was also quite friendly and easy/fun to talk to in general.  While I had to come upwards a bit in my price expectations it was not nearly as bad as some, and it was also not full price off her menu (plus I am a fan of menus, and hers was particularly logical re: activities/mode/time).

That party went well enough that it actually made me resurrect the later-neglected method of using an initial e-mail query.  For some reason multiple Sheri’s girls seem to think that federal regulations prohibit them from answering much (I looked into that and it seems like only Nevada cares), but it’s possible it does not really matter.  Even if you get zero indicator of “I can work with that” there seemed to be some correlation with getting responses at all vs no reply, and if there is some vague hinting at it maybe working out or not then you at least have a starting expectation.  Unfortunately this is not fool proof (see below), but it did work out twice this time.

The second party I did here did also respond to an e-mail like this.  She cited federal regs and did not specifically say anything about it other than expressing an interest in meeting.  That was enough to want to check in, and this match once again worked out quite well.  Not cheap, but again not exploitatively high, and also not overly clock-watching and willing to talk plenty beforehand to make sure the vibe was good.

I also found some interesting bits of value at Sheri’s in an otherwise pricey landscape.  1) you get a free night at their hotel it you book any party over 500 dollars (and I don’t know WTF anyone can do there for UNDER that, so basically all parties).  They did not have wifi in the rooms at the time so I personally would not stay longer than one or maximum 2 days there unless that changes, but the rooms are nice, so especially if you do intend to be doing business there, that is pretty convenient.  I was able to use this once already on a day when both Pahrump and Vegas were booked up enough to make the hotel rates  >100/night (Saddle West can get closer to 60 or space if space).  Not huge but also not insignificant, and you technically don’t have to be partying to use it (I did not that day).

Though much smaller, they will also comp drinks upon partying.  The second lady did not use this,  but the first one had a bottle of Champagne added at no charge.  Nice if you are into it.

Chicken Ranch:

There were again two visits here though this time only one of them resulted in a party.

The first time I found someone purely by drop-in and a monitor selection.   She was willing to talk in the bar a small bit but wanted to get into negotiations faster than I usually like, which caused some of the talking portion to run into the party time.  This was by far the most public/high-profile individual I have dealt with, and I think sometimes with someone that in-demand they do not want to burn any time without it being a known sale.  The day was also much busier which can also cause trouble (not easy to take it slow when there is potential competition).  Her rate was surprisingly sane given her media profile + Pahrump market, so there was less haggling/explaining to be done here.  I only wanted some flexibility around the shot clock which she agreed to, and she proved good on her word there (not sure what she said to the office, but they did not even bother notifying on normal time’s up), making this encounter less stressful from that angle and bringing the de facto rate down substantially as well.  Though the ease with which she seemed to call her own shots did lead me to believe that a my previous encounter at CR was fibbing a bit telling me how much the office was constraining the booking specifics...

The second time through CR I had used the ballpark e-mail query method again, and had gotten responses from both the women I tired contacting.  One suggested to raise my budget, when the other said she would be happy to talk, and so I chose the latter, and in this case this turned out to be an error.  I was in at a time with no customer traffic competition which is nice, so was able to talk a bit more.  I was up front with being exhausted from driving and maybe needing to come back the next day, which also seemed OK at first.  We went into negotiation and it got a bit rockier.  Despite my e-mail query setting a fairly low target budget, she tried a 5K opening salvo which I had to immediately nope…  It came down substantially, and we did seem to then find a more sane range, but something about my hesitancy, either to book that night (despite having disclaimed otherwise already), or not biting on higher prices (despite ALSO having signaled that quite clearly up front), annoyed her.  She also did not seem to like that I had been there a week or two prior, despite me being completely transparent about it (some people like to think me being highly forthright gives them an advantage, but hilariously it is often the opposite when you get to see their reactions).

It was not super obvious how busted things were after the negotiation even, seeing as we found an allegedly OK middle ground to agree on and I initially intended to be back the next day, but when walking out she made a [seemingly negative] comment to the bartender/cashier about my other recent visit.  I did not even process the attitude on it fast enough and could not ask at that point, so decided to check on/clear up any issue by e-mail.  This was a person who was very responsive over e-mail (and we had even talked about why that was), so when no answer came back I feel like that was confirmation enough for “it’s busted.”  Sadly I did not get back to candidate number 2 that time, since I did not want to go back until enough time had been given for(non)response.  Instead I had my second party next door at Sheri’s…  So, this time Pahrump fates reversed for me, and it was Sheri’s eating Chicken’s lunch.

Incidentally, although it could be the result of many things, for any lady who I had some sort of contact info for, my Chicken ranch acquaintances were also the least responsive to follow-up messages after a party, even when one was promising specifically otherwise.  Not the worst thing ever, but an indicator that this place might be a bit rougher under the surface than is immediately evident.  Once actually finding some who I got along with to do business, both Bunny Ranch and Sheri’s girls were more responsive, and interestingly the two from Sheri’s are the only women in the LPIN world to beat me to the punch sending a follow-up e-mail after a party (unclear if that is very individual or an encouraged practice there).  Even if it is for the purely business reason of encouraging you to come back and spend more, that is still useful/meaningful in it’s own way – at least you know your business is welcome.

Offline HopelessRealist

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Re: Hopeless Redux - Ft. Urban Challenge Mode
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2024, 08:01:24 AM »
“So, what did we learn here today, children?”

-  The non-Elko landscape is, as one would expect, dicier, but it’s pretty much all workable without succumbing to the ludicrous 4-5K/hr rates.
- It may however take annoying amounts of homework to find who it is workable WITH.  Knowing what more of the price ranges are in the areas and specific houses can definitely help to understand if someone is being fair or even kind with their offers vs swinging for the fences at your expense.  Your friendly neighborhood HopelessRealist is here to step into that woodchipper and attempt to make this easier for anyone else. :P
- There is indeed a surprising amount of variance within even the expensive houses, though they are aware of each others’ prices so don’t expect the monger rate to be matched.  How much difference you can stand might depend on where you are traveling from and how much time you have.  “Time is money,” so if you only have a weekend and can only get to Vegas/Reno, then it may be worth quite a bit.
- Preliminary checks by e-mail do seem somewhat useful and can correlate both to someone's general responsiveness and their willingness to work with budgets vs. dismissing you.
- They are not foolproof...
- Sheri’s is not quite as rough as it seemed once getting familiar.
- Chicken ranch maybe a bit more than it seemed, though maybe also more individual than any other house given the default setup, so as usual YMMV.

Hopefully this is more helpful than not.  As with my other large threads this is meant to be a sort of reference, relevant at least for now while enough of the houses are under the same management with (a good deal of) the same rosters. 

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Re: Hopeless Redux - Ft. Urban Challenge Mode
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2024, 11:18:46 PM »
I can't believe no one's responded to this thread. I guess all the responses came in the prior two threads/posts linked in the OP!  :D

HopelessRealist, this thread and the two that you mentioned in the OP, have been so incredibly valuable in informing my decision of where to go when it comes to doing business. At least for a rookie like me.

I love the gestalt descriptions of the house culture/vibes and how they affect your overall perception of the place; they paint a vivid picture from a new and interesting perspective.

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Re: Hopeless Redux - Ft. Urban Challenge Mode
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2024, 05:21:11 AM »
I can't believe no one's responded to this thread. I guess all the responses came in the prior two threads/posts linked in the OP!  :D

HopelessRealist, this thread and the two that you mentioned in the OP, have been so incredibly valuable in informing my decision of where to go when it comes to doing business. At least for a rookie like me.

I love the gestalt descriptions of the house culture/vibes and how they affect your overall perception of the place; they paint a vivid picture from a new and interesting perspective.

Glad to hear it, since this is why I bother with the write-up and price thread at all.  I too had occasionally been peeking at resources like this board for years when my mind wandered wondering about this topic.  Covid and some other life specifics slowed my exact "debut" timing down some, but one of the biggest delays was just a lot of unknowns and uncertainty, especially in regards to pricing/negotiations.  I wish I had pushed through that sooner because my experiences were almost all positive, and information helps (or at least, helps anyone similar-ish who care).

It's been noted before both by me and others that the northeast and particularly Elko (and I guess in most cases, even more specifically Mona's/Inez) are the obvious target for anyone new to all this, and maybe just better to deal with in general.  I see your other post and you are probably right to head out that way.   It's some extra driving or flying, hence the focus of this particular thread being elsewhere, but a good place to start.

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Re: Hopeless Redux - Ft. Urban Challenge Mode
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2024, 05:26:20 AM »
Minor add-on Re Sheris' room comps.

I realized the ways this works might not be clear enough.  Since the room is comped *after* the party, you obviously can't use it with just a reservation.  Also though the memory is fading, I think you also can't use it day-of, which is obviously since it is meant to be a bit of a "come back again" or "stay longer" type of sales tactic and not just throwing free shit at you for no reason.  That said if you ARE planning on being back or sticking around it can be nice.  Also the credit lasts for a year from the party date, assuming they keep doing it.