Author Topic: My Third Experience(s)  (Read 10129 times)


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My Third Experience(s)
« on: August 05, 2011, 08:52:15 AM »
My Third Experience(s)

Sorry it took so long to get this written but I have had so many other things on my plate that I couldn't get this thing written in one fell swoop like I wanted to. But then again, I never realized that I would have so much to write about. But first, I wanted to go ahead and reveal who I had previous partied with....

My First Experience(s):
Rochelle Worthington & Vanilla
Hailey Rain
Rochelle Worthington, Robyn Stiletto, & Ellisa Lovegood
Robyn Stiletto

My Second Experience(s)
Robyn Stiletto
Anna Suvari
Katie Michaels
Katie Michaels (there were two different days with her on back to back days)


I get up at 2:00 in the morning to get my final things ready for my trip. It would be a two hour trip to the airport and I wanted to leave the house by 3:00. I was actually able to leave by 2:50 and went up to get gas and was on the road by 3:30. And of course, it was raining that morning and at one point, was raining very very hard. I knew a headache was on its way but when would I get it, I don't know. So I get to the place where I would be parking my car, this time I had no trouble getting there because I knew exactly where it was this time, refer to My Second Experience(s) thread. The shuttle takes me to the airport and everything is pretty much uneventful except that when I went through that full body x-ray scan thingamajig, something pops up in my upper right leg and the TSA guy says he needs to pat that area down. "Uh, ok." The only thing I can think of that was caught on the scan was a piece of lead that's in my leg from a pencil that a kid back in 1st stuck in my leg. But that's another story. I get to the gate and only have about 45 minutes before I board the plane. Three and a half hours later, we land into Salt Lake City. At this point, I'm starting to get a headache so I go this deli for a sandwich and I ordered one. Then I found out the price...$8 for a sandwich that's about the size of a six inch sub from Subway. Holy cow! Way way way too much for a sandwich but you know, there's really not much of a choice, if you don't like the prices of food and drink at the airport, you can choose not to eat or drink. But I couldn't take that choice, I had to eat something because I was getting a bad headache. Anyway, we hop onto the plane en route for Reno.

Both flights to Reno were very, very smooth. Hardly any turbulence at all. I was happy about that. So as I wait for my bags, I ended up chatting with two guys from the plane, both from different cities, who flew there for the National Bowling Tournament. The one guy said he had to bowl in three hours and had to get to the National Bowling Stadium to buy himself a brand new ball and shoes for the tournament. I guess it's something he does every year. But anyway, by this point, the food I had eaten really didn't help my headache much and my head was hurting by now. By now, I was afraid of how this would affect my upcoming party with Jill, considering I was going to be meeting her in three hours. I had texted her to let her know I had gotten into town and asked if I could show up about an hour later or so. She agreed because she wanted to get in a quick nap because she was up late the night before. So I get to the rental car place to pick up the car. After a few minutes, he guy rings up a $140 bill for me, and I said "Whoah, what's that for?" He tells me it's for the GPS and the taxes for the car. I told him that I was under the impression that the GSP came with the car free of charge. He told me it wasn't. Then I told him I didn't want the GSP if that's the case. That knocked my bill to about $40, which was strictly taxes and I thought that was paid for when I paid for the car and my plane tickets. He said taxes are never included in the price because taxes can change from time to time so they figure it's better to let us pay for it when we pick up the car. So nice that we are not informed of this when we confirm everything online. What if I hadn't had any money extra for this? I would've been screwed. The guy behind the counter knew I wasn't happy about this but I knew there was nothing he could do. So I get my car and take off for the National Bowling Stadium to pick up my bowling equipment that I had UPSed a week before so I wouldn't have to worry about it during my flight. After I picked up the package (4 bowling balls), I went to one of the bowling pro shops to have one of the balls worked on. A half hour later, I leave the Stadium for Gold Hill, where I was going to bed staying for the night.

The reason I was staying in Gold Hill that night was because the Gold Hill Hotel is reportedly haunted and I wanted to find out for myself if it really was. So while I'm driving 395 South and finally to Hwy 50, my headache was getting a little better but not enough for me to be happy with it. I had planned on taking a nap at the hotel before my party. But anyway, I finally get to 341 North towards Virginia City, which is only a couple miles north of Gold Hill. Going along this stretch of a little road scared me because I was going through the mountains, which I wasn't expecting, and I wasn't too crazy about driving through mountains. Meanwhile, I was able to take in the scenery of all the old stuff in the fields that was obviously from the mining days at the mid- to late-1800's. I knew that I was passing through history. But I had no idea how much of that history included reported hauntings. But anyway, I finally get into Gold Hill and I slow down so that I don't miss the hotel. The reason for this is because I have no idea what it looks like nor did I know where it was located. All I knew was that it was on 341 somewhere. Luckily, I found it without a problem. I pulled into it angled parking lot and tried to find a door into the place. I go into this one door and found myself already in a hallway of rooms and I knew I went in the back door. After a couple of minutes, I found the front desk and figured out that I had entered the back parking lot. Had I went pass the Gold Hill Hotel sign, I would've been right at the front door. So the lady at the desk greets me and I tell her who I was and she was excited because she had been the lady I had emailed over the previous months about getting a room and told me that I was in for a treat with the room I reserved. She did warn me the ghost (Rose) haunting my room likes to take items and place them elsewhere in the room. I made a mental note of this for later in the night and the next morning.

So I get into my room and start unpacking a little bit so that I could place some items in different places to test the claim of items being misplaced. I also brought out my laptop with its webcam and tested out the recording so that I could make sure that not only does it take a good video, but a good audio. The test came out crystal clear. So I placed the laptop in the corner of the room so that it would cover the whole room and peer into the bathroom as well. I had also brought my K2 meter, which is an EMF (electromagnetic field) detector. It's a theory that spirits generate an EMF in the area they are in. So I'm holding my K2 meter and sitting in the chair in the room and I start talking and began asking questions. I had explained to this "ghost" that the device in my hand would light up if she were to wave her hand in front it and I asked her to do so for me. One of the lights lit up. Now the claims of this room was starting to seem like it had some validity behind it. Throughout the hour or so I was in the room, the K2 meter would lit up every so often, but never in an interval set time. I was getting myself ready for my party with Jill when Jill had texted me that Miss Isis would be joining us. This came as a shock to me. So I thought "Ok, let's see where that leads us." Meanwhile, I hop into the shower and after so long, the water starts to get very hot, and then very cold and it just kept on going back and forth between hot and cold. I wasn't too happy about that but at least I got cleaned up for my party. Now, keep in mind, there was a wedding party going on downstairs and a lot of people were drinking so I'm guessing people were using the bathroom and maybe someone might have been taking a shower in another room. There's only 14 rooms in this hotel and 4 of those rooms (one of which was mine) were in the original part of the hotel that was built back in 1862 so the plumbing probably wasn't the best even if it was modern. Right before I leave the room for my first party of the week, I went to my laptop that's facing the whole room and into the bathroom and press record on the webcam.

I start driving south on the 341 and I'm driving slow because I don't want to take any chances of flying off the road. Meanwhile, there's this band of motorcycles coming up behind me and they slow down and pretty follow me for several miles until we get out of the mountain and onto flat land. The motorcycle drivers then proceed to pass me and the lead driver flips me off. I didn't let it bother me because I figured that I probably deserved it for being so cautious. It's beginning to get a little dark but I ended up making my way from the Gold Hill Hotel on 341 to Hwy 50 without a problem. Now it's time for the final moments before I get the The Love Ranch in Moundhouse.

I pull up to The Love Ranch and after a moment, I calm myself down because I'm rather nervous because this is one of the parties I had been really looking forward to. At the same time, I'm taking in the view of the brand new front area in front that was built last fall. I thought it looked really good. I'm greeted at the front door with a smile and asked if I had been there before. Of course I have. Then the lady, I forget who it was, asked me if I was here for someone or wanted a lineup. I mentioned Jill's name and off she went. So I sit at the bar and got myself a glass of water because my throat was getting a little dry and look around at the other girls sitting around, Starrla, Gillian, Karma, Jenai, and a few others. And out of nowhere, out walks Jill in this black and white wavy type style dress. After a nice long hug, she sits next to me and orders herself a drink and we begin talking and then Miss Isis comes out and greets me with a kiss. We sit on one of the couches in the parlor and I tell them a little bit about my trip and we just start talking about different things. After a little while, we head to Jill's room.

Party with Jill Chandler and Miss Isis

After determining what our party would entail, we have our party. I won't go into details about this party or any of the others but I will say the end of this party, I could hardly walk. It was such a wild party, I have never had anything like it. Very satisfying and uplifting for me. So after the party, the girls and I end up in the kitchen and enjoy a nice dinner with stuff I can't even remember what is was and after dinner, I take Jill and Isis over to The Bunny Ranch for a little while. At first, Jill asks me if I'm ok to drive, not because I was drinking, I never drink, but because of how worn out I was after our party. The girls lead me to the last couch in the room near the bar and some of the other girls come out and join us. I can see Dennis sitting by the couch in front of the bar with some friends of his. While a couple of the girls sit with myself, Jill, and Isis, mainly to see them because they are never there, Jill tells the girls who I am. Word starts going around and next thing I know, I have met nearly every single girl working there, Tamela, Jayla, Barbie, Laci, Summer, Cami, Kelly, and others. It was amazing seeing all these girls and being introduced to them one right after another. At one point, I'm sitting in between Tamela and Jayla, Tamela and I were introduced but it didn't click for her who I REALLY was. And then the big one...I was introduced to Rapid...but I was introduced to him at shadowofdoubt, not dreamscometrue. I guess he didn't know they were one and the same, me. So after a while, Jill, Isis, and I head back to The Love Ranch. When we get back, Jill and I sit on one of the
couches and Isis goes to get her homework from some classes she was taking. But before I know it, the three of us end up back in Jill's room for some more fun. After that, I'm thinking the party is over and Isis heads out for her to call it a night, Jill keeps me for a little while longer for a third round...she had been wanting some time with me alone. At one point, Isis walks in on us hehe...Now that third and final party is over and it is time for me to head on back to my hotel. I had gotten to The Love at about 6:30 and ended up leaving a little after midnight. It was one crazy night I had on my first night and not a night I'll ever forget.

So now I'm heading back to Gold Hill Hotel, I surprisingly find it easier driving on 341 through the mountains than I did before, probably now that I had driven through twice made the third time easier for me. I approach and hotel and had no trouble finding it this time because I knew what I was looking for, pull up to a parking spot and head to me room. When I get into my room, I took a look at my laptop and had a bit of a had restarted itself at some point. My laptop was not connected to the internet, nor was the wifi enabled so nothing should have gotten in to the computer and prompt it to restart. So meanwhile, whatever my laptop had recorded during the time I was gone. Nothing was saved. So the experiences I had earlier in the day had become just that, a personal experience. I get into my night clothes and hop into bed. I was very tired because I had been up for 24 hours, and was very relaxed from the good time that Jill and Isis had given me and I fell asleep very, very fast.


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Re: My Third Experience(s)
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2011, 09:16:10 AM »
Damn! Who do you think you are Hiking Guy?  What a week!


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Re: My Third Experience(s)
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2011, 09:40:12 AM »
Nicely done.  Now just cut and paste these into field reports to help more mongers in the future and you will be thanked by fellow mongers well into the future long after these posts have come and gone.

Here is the link to help get you started in submitting your field reports.

Glad you had a great time.

Take care,

Offline Dr. Who

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Re: My Third Experience(s)
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2011, 02:07:58 PM »
WOW!  :o   Nice trip report, Dreams.  I'm glad that you survived all of those parties and lived to tell about them.  ;D   Also, very nice of Dennis to let you stay at the BunnyRanch for the entire week.  :)


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Re: My Third Experience(s)
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2011, 02:23:47 PM »
OK!  I am officially:



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Re: My Third Experience(s)
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2011, 03:19:52 PM »
Damn! Who do you think you are Hiking Guy?  What a week!

It sounds like he out-hiking guy'd Hiking Guy!


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Re: My Third Experience(s)
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2011, 07:20:52 PM »
Wow what a Vacation ... I am hoping You will have some Field reports coming soon...Hint Hint

Anna Suvari

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Re: My Third Experience(s)
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2011, 10:57:04 PM »
Wow! It was great to spend some more time together, dreams! Always a pleasure. :)

Offline Gray Hound

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Re: My Third Experience(s)
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2011, 01:41:31 AM »
What a dream come true vacation. Great ladies  to spend time with.


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Re: My Third Experience(s)
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2011, 10:29:50 PM »
Holy Crap!  Nice reports and what a Vacation!  Thanks for the detailed info.