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Any ladies or guys ever get to go to Hot August Nights?


I was in town for the very beginning of the setting up for HAN earlier this month.  While staying at the Grand Sierra my last two nights 8/2-8/3 they were blocking off some of the parking lots there and setting up big tents.  So what's the big events that one should not miss? I may try to come in later to next years LPIN Gathering14 and perhaps stay to see some of HAN.


Yeah, I did it a few years ago. The only issue was finding a hotel room, I ended up staying in Carson City. Certainly the car displays are worth checking out. They have also had some good classic bands during HAN. If you own a car, cruising is probably the biggest thing, but not having one, watching was the best I could do.


--- Quote from: georoc01 on August 13, 2009, 07:44:18 PM ---Yeah, I did it a few years ago. The only issue was finding a hotel room, I ended up staying in Carson City. Certainly the car displays are worth checking out. They have also had some good classic bands during HAN. If you own a car, cruising is probably the biggest thing, but not having one, watching was the best I could do.

--- End quote ---
I'll have to remember the hotel issue, and perhaps stay that week down in Tahoe.

Interested bystander:
A lot depends on the overall economy I think.   You were able to get a room for at least a couple of days this year.   A few years ago a friend of mine from Oklahoma decided to make a trip out this way the first week of August.  He had never heard of HAN and after trying to make hotel reservations he called and asked me what was going on.  He ended up staying in Truckee because that's the closest room he could find.


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