Author Topic: How do I register as a member?  (Read 11977 times)

Offline Q

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How do I register as a member?
« on: %902 %15, %2015, %0:%Nov:%th %-08:00 »
Registration settings at their highest security level which means that some valid registrants have had problem registering.   This is due to the high number of spam and duplicate account requests we receive.

1) When registering with the message board please be patient.  In the past we would approve all registrations within a few hours but now that we need to verify the validity of new members it may take a day or more before you receive your approval e-mail.

2) If you would like quick approval or if you are rejected (which would only be if we think you are a spammer based on our research) please e-mail me at when you register and let me know that you are a real person interested in interacting on the forum.

3) Usernames with a large amount of numbers or special characters are more likely to get scrutinized.

4) Duplicate accounts are not allowed and will be rejected.

What to expect after registering

After registering, you will receive an email from

This email will state that your registration was received and is awaiting approval.

Once one of the moderators approve or decline the registration, you will receive a second email from with an approval or declination message. You are then able to login using the username and password you chose during registration.

*** Please note.  Some email system providers may attempt to block an incoming registration email and place it in your SPAM folder.  Please remember to check your SPAM folder for registration messages!

New Registrants will receive the following message:

Welcome to the The Cyber Monger's SIN Forum.

All new members are subject to a probationary period where their posts may be monitored. As a new 'guest' of this forum, you are venturing into a brand new community, and this is the communities chance to get to know you better. It's usually short, and depends on a few factors. Feel free to contact the moderators or the site administrator, if you have more questions.

But enough talk, save that for the forums!
We hope you enjoy the Sex-In-Nevada forums, and have fun learning all about LPIN (Legal Prostitution In Nevada)

The Cyber Monger's SIN Forum Team.
« Last Edit: %251 %17, %2019, %1:%Jul:%th %-07:00 by Q »