Author Topic: How much information is TMI  (Read 2163 times)

Offline Dr. Who

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Re: How much information is TMI
« Reply #15 on: %233 %25, %2017, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
Something to consider... A wise old monger called Flyfisher told me this a long time ago, "A review that is all "fluff" without substance is worthless."  That's one of the reasons why those reviews that are written in the style that you often see posted on brothel owned board are not taken seriously by many of the monger around here.  ;D 

Anywho, I agree that personal and illegal content should never be disseminated in a public review (and it will most likely get you in hot water with the Borg ...LOL).  Although, what an author chooses to include in a review is often ones person experiences where YMMV ...some like to include lots of detail, others not so much, but their are tasteful ways of reporting your experiences on a public forum without including "private things" that may have taken place in your party.  For example, not every lady will agree to perform some activities with every customer, so I don't include a lot of detail on activities as well as pricing (unless it's a brothel with fixed prices like Sue's or Inez/Mona's which offers board member monger rates which are pretty well known) in my reports, but I always welcome inquiries via PM or email for those types of questions.  Of course, the content of my reply often depends on how well I know the person.  8)

Ruby Rae

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Re: How much information is TMI
« Reply #16 on: %836 %31, %2017, %1:%May:%st %-07:00 »
I don't like erotic novels as reviews. The kind of parties that a long-time client may get isn't always what a first-time party will be like with someone new. So it sets up expectations that may be shattered, which is not good for us. Also, I don't think that potential clients need to know all the sexy and sensual bits of our time together. It's really none of their business. I prefer discretion, for sure.


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Re: How much information is TMI
« Reply #17 on: %875 %31, %2017, %1:%May:%st %-07:00 »
I think the most important thing about reviews are whether or not you were happy. Provide how you were treated and how comfortable she made you feel before, during and after your party. I don't feel like a lot of information should be left out especially if you feel like she went above and beyond your expectations, but when you are writing an erotica about what you two did, it takes away from what others really want to know, should I party with this courtesan and will you party with her again?

-Keira <3


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Re: How much information is TMI
« Reply #18 on: %436 %05, %2017, %1:%Jun:%th %-07:00 »
I love the answers that you all gave on this topic. It's giving me better ideas about what all to write in my own reviews of ladies that I to get to party with. I find it fun that no two are a like. I think the diversity makes the spice of life so much sweeter especially at our brothels.  :)


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Re: How much information is TMI
« Reply #19 on: %064 %19, %2017, %1:%Jun:%th %-07:00 »
Post whatever you are comfortable with saying. Almost all of my reviews are approved by the lady(or ladies) in question before they are posted. I've had some tell me to not post that I kissed her, because she is not willing to kiss all clients she sees.

It is always good to post how well negotiations went, and how you felt about the party and the whole experience at the particular brothel.