Author Topic: Thing I'm Tired of Hearing: "I'm Priced Out Everywhere But Small Rural Houses"  (Read 28532 times)

Offline Inez’s-Peter

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Re: Thing I'm Tired of Hearing: "I'm Priced Out Everywhere But Small Rural Houses"
« Reply #75 on: %943 %19, %2017, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
Well, for a newbie to LPIN like me, and especially one who will need to fly in, the Reno area is a much safer bet.  There are far more choices in ladies in the city and one of the advantages of their higher rates is that they spend far more effort marketing themselves and helping you get to know a little about them before you make the trip.  Also, a great number of them actually have heads and, I know I may be in the minority, but I prefer to party with women that aren't decapitated nor fuzzy-faced :)

All working girls have lives outside of LPIN.  The problem with the internet is any information posted will remain there for all eternity.  We had ladies who had their career shorten due to their family finding out.  Privacy is not only exclusive to the clients but to all of our ladies as well.  We take this very seriously and for anyone who thinks otherwise... you must not live in the real world.

As far as your comment regarding " one of the advantages of their higher rates is that they spend far more effort marketing themselves ", you realize you just insulted all the ladies in LPIN who post here that don't work in the Reno area. 



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Re: Thing I'm Tired of Hearing: "I'm Priced Out Everywhere But Small Rural Houses"
« Reply #76 on: %971 %19, %2017, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
All working girls have lives outside of LPIN.  The problem with the internet is any information posted will remain there for all eternity.  We had ladies who had their career shorten due to their family finding out.  Privacy is not only exclusive to the clients but to all of our ladies as well.  We take this very seriously and for anyone who thinks otherwise... you must not live in the real world.

As far as your comment regarding " one of the advantages of their higher rates is that they spend far more effort marketing themselves ", you realize you just insulted all the ladies in LPIN who post here that don't work in the Reno area. 


Peter, of course I understand the reason why some ladies hide their faces.  I was being practical about why it is a disadvantage for someone choosing a location to which to book a flight.  Surely you understand that the average person would have an easier time relating to someone on a website when they can see their face and can see them once a week on a livestream and ask them questions live.

As for my comment about marketing, you shorted my quote.  As far as I can tell, all of your ladies share one general e-mail address, don't have dedicated websites or pm systems, and there is no way to see them on video nor hear their voices without making a visit.  Yes, a couple of them do a great job of using the resources that they have like this board to market themselves but you can't seriously think that it is insulting to point out that the ladies in the Hof houses have more built in marketing tools.

I will point out, however, that you, as a representative and figurehead of Inez's have done more harm in marketing the ladies in your house by berating a potential client than any of your girls ever could.


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Re: Thing I'm Tired of Hearing: "I'm Priced Out Everywhere But Small Rural Houses"
« Reply #77 on: %058 %19, %2017, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
I don't think his intention was to be berating towards you. I think he just tried to defend his ladies. He has respect for all guys here.
I heard that you are a nice guy LuvU, I also don't think you meant bad, though for a quick second I took it personal about not showing face :)
 But also understand your point. Being Jade for so many years, I have seeing it all. People that show their faces look like their pics, a number that don't look so much like their pics and ladies that never post and are great in parties. It's a matter of taking a chance. Up North there is more variety for sure, but that variety is as big as you chose to be. Let's say for instance that you only talk to one girl that was in the house and that turns out to be the best time you had or spend time with a girl that has been in every live stream, social media, message board and turns out it's not what you expected. I always tell people to wait until they are actually here and meet the ladies in person to make up their minds.


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Re: Thing I'm Tired of Hearing: "I'm Priced Out Everywhere But Small Rural Houses"
« Reply #78 on: %073 %19, %2017, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
I don't think his intention was to be berating towards you. I think he just tried to defend his ladies. He has respect for all guys here.
I heard that you are a nice guy LuvU, I also don't think you meant bad, though for a quick second I took it personal about not showing face :)
 But also understand your point. Being Jade for so many years, I have seeing it all. People that show their faces look like their pics, a number that don't look so much like their pics and ladies that never post and are great in parties. It's a matter of taking a chance. Up North there is more variety for sure, but that variety is as big as you chose to be. Let's say for instance that you only talk to one girl that was in the house and that turns out to be the best time you had or spend time with a girl that has been in every live stream, social media, message board and turns out it's not what you expected. I always tell people to wait until they are actually here and meet the ladies in person to make up their minds.

I did actually think twice about posting the "showing face" part because I knew that there was a chance that you would read it, Jade, and I didn't want to upset you.  I have a deep amount of respect for you, how you handle yourself, and the way you do business.  I also completely understand and respect the reason for any lady wanting to keep their privacy.  I was trying, somewhat unsuccessfully, to pragmatically explain why a person new to LPIN might choose to start their adventure in Reno as a devil's advocate against the overwhelming amount of posts on this board pushing Elko as the only destination.

As for Peter having respect for all guys, I may be over-sensitive, but I didn't find "you must not live in the real world" very respectful.  But who knows.  It's sometimes hard to gauge intentions from posts on a message board.

Offline RunningSquirrel

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Re: Thing I'm Tired of Hearing: "I'm Priced Out Everywhere But Small Rural Houses"
« Reply #79 on: %081 %19, %2017, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
I always tell people to wait until they are actually here and meet the ladies in person to make up their minds.

You're so right, Jade.

Offline MrTShirt

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Re: Thing I'm Tired of Hearing: "I'm Priced Out Everywhere But Small Rural Houses"
« Reply #80 on: %106 %19, %2017, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
...I was trying, somewhat unsuccessfully, to pragmatically explain why a person new to LPIN might choose to start their adventure in Reno as a devil's advocate against the overwhelming amount of posts on this board pushing Elko as the only destination....
I think you have answered your own question.  Start in Reno area.  If you like it, you will be back and explore further.  If you don't like it, you won't be back at all.

None of these houses will make it with one-and-done customers, unless there are many many of them or real rich ones.  These houses exist on people liking the houses so well they are back many times, and start pulling in their friends by the bus load (like at the ProstiDUDE Ranch).
ProstiDUDE Ranch Mgr. - the 26 incher
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Offline Inez’s-Peter

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Re: Thing I'm Tired of Hearing: "I'm Priced Out Everywhere But Small Rural Houses"
« Reply #81 on: %114 %19, %2017, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »

As for Peter having respect for all guys, I may be over-sensitive, but I didn't find "you must not live in the real world" very respectful.  But who knows.  It's sometimes hard to gauge intentions from posts on a message board

With no disrespect, you got me all wrong. The "you" is referring to those who thinks privacy is not a serious issue.  It was not meant for you directly. I personally had never met a member from this community who felt otherwise on this nor I want to.  LOL.

I hope someday we could meet in person but for those that knows me knows that I am very protective of our ladies especially when it comes to safety and privacy.  Like you said in your statement... It is hard to gauge intentions from posts.  I may have mistaken your intention and to that I apologize.



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Re: Thing I'm Tired of Hearing: "I'm Priced Out Everywhere But Small Rural Houses"
« Reply #82 on: %183 %19, %2017, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »

With no disrespect, you got me all wrong. The "you" is referring to those who thinks privacy is not a serious issue.  It was not meant for you directly. I personally had never met a member from this community who felt otherwise on this nor I want to.  LOL.

I hope someday we could meet in person but for those that knows me knows that I am very protective of our ladies especially when it comes to safety and privacy.  Like you said in your statement... It is hard to gauge intentions from posts.  I may have mistaken your intention and to that I apologize.

Fair enough, Peter.  I recognize that I mistook what you said as personal and I apologize for that.  You have every right and justification to vigorously protect the privacy and safety of your girls.  I think you are a better boss for it.  I'm also sure that the clients appreciate your vigorous protection of their privacy as well.  I may just be a superficial man but I primarily get attracted to a ladies face and especially her eyes.  Perhaps after I've gotten over my rookie mistakes in LPIN land, I'll take a visit to Elko, buy you a drink, and you can show me around the house.

Offline Inez’s-Peter

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Re: Thing I'm Tired of Hearing: "I'm Priced Out Everywhere But Small Rural Houses"
« Reply #83 on: %209 %19, %2017, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »

With no disrespect, you got me all wrong. The "you" is referring to those who thinks privacy is not a serious issue.  It was not meant for you directly. I personally had never met a member from this community who felt otherwise on this nor I want to.  LOL.

I hope someday we could meet in person but for those that knows me knows that I am very protective of our ladies especially when it comes to safety and privacy.  Like you said in your statement... It is hard to gauge intentions from posts.  I may have mistaken your intention and to that I apologize.

Fair enough, Peter.  I recognize that I mistook what you said as personal and I apologize for that.  You have every right and justification to vigorously protect the privacy and safety of your girls.  I think you are a better boss for it.  I'm also sure that the clients appreciate your vigorous protection of their privacy as well.  I may just be a superficial man but I primarily get attracted to a ladies face and especially her eyes.  Perhaps after I've gotten over my rookie mistakes in LPIN land, I'll take a visit to Elko, buy you a drink, and you can show me around the house.

I am the same way.  I am a sucker for a pretty face.  This was one of the reasons why my bank account was so puny in my younger years.  It was that and cars.   LOL 

Enjoy your journey for now and I hope to meet you one day.  Tell you what...  The drinks are on me when you get here. 


Phoenix Rising

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Re: Thing I'm Tired of Hearing: "I'm Priced Out Everywhere But Small Rural Houses"
« Reply #84 on: %221 %19, %2017, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
great reply Kitty

Offline RoxyGold

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Re: Thing I'm Tired of Hearing: "I'm Priced Out Everywhere But Small Rural Houses"
« Reply #85 on: %554 %20, %2017, %1:%May:%th %-07:00 »
When it comes to pictures/posts/livestream/social media, each lady decides what she is or is not comfortable with. Some might not want to be on the internet at all, some might not want to show their faces, some might be okay with pictures but not want to do livestream, some go on actual TV. It's the lady's choice entirely how much exposure she wants, for whichever reasons.
So long and thanks for all the Fish.

Offline hikingguy2013

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Re: Thing I'm Tired of Hearing: "I'm Priced Out Everywhere But Small Rural Houses"
« Reply #86 on: %588 %21, %2017, %1:%May:%st %-07:00 »
Moral of the story is some Ladies are pressured into charging higher prices for various reasons whether personal (they have some high bills to pay and they feel pressured to doing it fast) or from someone in authority. I can speak from personal experience with someone in management frequently going through my numbers every time I'd go "off model" with a price for a party - regardless of the party, and try to guilt me about it. (Doesn't work on me, but I know it can on others.) I'm glad to be out of that environment and working someplace with more professionalism and discretion.

It's also luck of the draw. At one house perhaps the Ladies that are your specific types may be charging more than your budget allows while Ladies who may not be your type are well within your range - then it depends on you if you want to go outside your "type" or not. Perhaps it could be some encouragement to broaden your horizons if your "type" of Lady seems "overpriced" when you go places.

I quote absurdly high prices only if the guy is a real asshole and handling him is going to be a lot of work. If they go for it - joke's on them and I get compensated for the extra mental/emotional labor of putting up with them during the party. Genuinely nice, respectful guys get much more favorable rates. The same likely could be said for most Ladies. Don't want to pay the Asshole Tax - don't be an asshole.

I don't think a lady should ever be put on a guilt trip based on her prices. I know some houses like a variety of prices for a lady like 2 $500 parties, $1000 etc. I had one lady tell me she was not comfortable doing that which is why she left for a rural brothel. If a lady is not making money at all that is one thing and she could be then coached or mentored as to why.


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Re: Thing I'm Tired of Hearing: "I'm Priced Out Everywhere But Small Rural Houses"
« Reply #87 on: %670 %21, %2017, %1:%May:%st %-07:00 »
I agree with this,

"I don't think a lady should ever be put on a guilt trip based on her prices"

At the same time, I think the same should apply to men who have a limited budget. 


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Re: Thing I'm Tired of Hearing: "I'm Priced Out Everywhere But Small Rural Houses"
« Reply #88 on: %672 %21, %2017, %1:%May:%st %-07:00 »
I agree with this,

"I don't think a lady should ever be put on a guilt trip based on her prices"

At the same time, I think the same should apply to men who have a limited budget.
Yes, exactly.

Offline KittiMinx

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Re: Thing I'm Tired of Hearing: "I'm Priced Out Everywhere But Small Rural Houses"
« Reply #89 on: %012 %21, %2017, %1:%May:%st %-07:00 »
Moral of the story is some Ladies are pressured into charging higher prices for various reasons whether personal (they have some high bills to pay and they feel pressured to doing it fast) or from someone in authority. I can speak from personal experience with someone in management frequently going through my numbers every time I'd go "off model" with a price for a party - regardless of the party, and try to guilt me about it. (Doesn't work on me, but I know it can on others.) I'm glad to be out of that environment and working someplace with more professionalism and discretion.

It's also luck of the draw. At one house perhaps the Ladies that are your specific types may be charging more than your budget allows while Ladies who may not be your type are well within your range - then it depends on you if you want to go outside your "type" or not. Perhaps it could be some encouragement to broaden your horizons if your "type" of Lady seems "overpriced" when you go places.

I quote absurdly high prices only if the guy is a real asshole and handling him is going to be a lot of work. If they go for it - joke's on them and I get compensated for the extra mental/emotional labor of putting up with them during the party. Genuinely nice, respectful guys get much more favorable rates. The same likely could be said for most Ladies. Don't want to pay the Asshole Tax - don't be an asshole.

I don't think a lady should ever be put on a guilt trip based on her prices. I know some houses like a variety of prices for a lady like 2 $500 parties, $1000 etc. I had one lady tell me she was not comfortable doing that which is why she left for a rural brothel. If a lady is not making money at all that is one thing and she could be then coached or mentored as to why.

It's why I pull what I dub "The IC Clause". If a place wants to control rates either be a fixed rate house where the rates for everyone are made crystal clear, or hire working girls as employees. If we're paying our costs and everything else we can charge whatever rates we see fit for a party. I personally do not like turning someone away unless they act like a jerk or what they want for their budget is too unreasonable and they can't be swayed to something more realistic. If a Lady isn't making money who has potential to - that's one thing. But rather than guilt trip, mentor her a little and perhaps do practice negotiations.  If her LPIN expectations are just too high she may not be a good fit for a particular business, especially if she walks way more customers than she books and there's Ladies who reliably bring money and traffic in who could be filling her slot.

But I also personally don't push myself. When I'm exhausted I may joke and say "don't wake me for anyone unless their budget is X" but in reality if I'm not too tired and the person is nice, I'll party for good budgets even if I'm woken up to do it. If I am too tired I make it clear that I am and choose not to party because I don't want to risk a subpar experience on a customer due to my being worn out. Money is only a good motivator until a body's natural survival instincts to eat/sleep kick in.

I don't guilt anyone over their budget unless they're a huge jerk about it. And there's certain lines that are red flags for jerks with budgets way too low for what they want. If you're nice with your budget you get more for your money, but some Ladies can take it as a huge insult to give them a low budget when you obviously could afford much more - especially if you try to guilt her by mentioning someone or someplace else that took your budget or less.