Author Topic: Reign @ Mona's  (Read 1718 times)

Offline BryGuy

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Reign @ Mona's
« on: %683 %05, %2024, %1:%Jul:%th %-07:00 »
So I've left other reviews about Reign at Mona's.  I can easily say she is my #2 all time favorite just narrowly missing out by a slim margin to Ariana. If you've never seen Reign in person the first thing you'll notice,  as with a lot of the girls, is that her pics absolutely do NOT do her justice.  Reign is always smiling,  positive,  happy, etc, you cant help but be in a good mood after talking to her let alone partying.

Reign is a taller gal, around 5'7ish+ I would say, is extremely fit. I partied 4 times with Reign for a total of 12hrs, wish I could have done more but by the end of my trip I couldn't feel my junk, suppose we are all human. ;)

Suffice it to say at some point you HAVE to party with Reign. Besides the obvious bedroom fun which I can assure you is quite skilled,  she's just fun to be around.  You cant but help to be in a good mood.

Not sure if there is anything else I can add that would away anybodys mind. You wont regret it, like I said Ariana is my all time fav, and Reign comes damn close.

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Re: Reign @ Mona's
« Reply #1 on: %087 %08, %2024, %1:%Jul:%th %-07:00 »
So happy you enjoyed your time with Reign!!