Not exactly sure what and how much to write here this time that is maybe useful to onlookers, but wanted to say something. 2024 was a different mode for me than 2023 for a number of reasons. Less overkill survey exploration mode, more narrowing down where and with whom I want to be doing more business with over time. Any more broad data-gathering on legal SW would likely not be domestic/relevant here.
I decided to focus my LPIN attention on the northeast/Elko this year. I thought I was going to be more limited in time/travel options, which may have favored the city-adjacent markets, but was still off the leash so took full advantage of the more open/flexible schedule while I could. There are a lot of people on the Mona’s/Inez’s rosters that I wanted to meet, and still have some narrower curiosity outside of those spots as well. I did venture around some other places in Nevada but did not do brothel business in them this time out.
As may be too easy to do when open-ended, the trip ran a bit over time/budget. Aggravatingly part of that was just form being too damn tired from road/hotel sleep which was requiring a lot of down days (until - of course - right near the end when I needed to be leaving anyway) and even contributed to a couple goofy parties (extra clownworld-ish considering I spent a few months upping my cardio game only to faceplant some over what I guess was mainly sleep issues). I was however able to meet almost everyone I had my eye on at least briefly, and got around to doing at least one party with most. Priority was largely on anyone I had not seen before, because I am looking to figure out who I fit with in different ways for reference in future trips.
There were a few limits to this. In any space I need to deal with ladies who are friendly toward talking a decent amount beforehand. I often need the time to warm up to someone myself, but am additionally hypersensitive to signals of unease/similar when I catch them, and which usually (assuming getting along) tends to shift some toward more comfort with a bit of time (and especially repeat parties). Sue’s was not on the menu, though I did manage to finally do business once at Desert Rose which was a plus. Within Mona’s/Inez’s I also stuck to people who deal with the monger rate, both due to disliking negotiations but also because my strong internal desire for fairness makes it very tough to treat people too differently within the same house without a very specific reason, especially in a place where I am doing business as a “regular.”
Elko focus was the right call for me. Outside of maybe the Mustang lounge, Mona’s/Inez’s have been the easiest places to do intros at, and are usually also the most forgiving to do introductory parties at (monger rate does not decrease with longer parties, so there is a rate-scaling drawback there, but usually it’s still on the better side of that equation and I also tend to do 1-hour parties on first outings). Bumming around waiting in the bar is also easier there than most, especially when getting chatty with Peter or Lady an Inez’s. Most importantly though I feel like I’ve had the best ratio in those houses of ladies who come off as seeming to be genuinely friendly out of the gate. This is something that could easily be misjudged when someone is tying to make a good impression for business reasons and I also expect and account for various workplace/privacy/etc. guards to be up, but there is a difference between professional styles or people exercising discretion/boundaries vs. someone who can come off varieties of dishonest, pushy, or on occasion even contemptuous (while my experiences in LPIN have been mostly positive, those people are indeed out there). I work to filter those types out before committing to a party, but it is a lot nicer if I don’t encounter them to begin with.
In general my average “personality match” rate is also better in Elko than elsewhere and especially at Mona’s/Inez’s where something always feels a bit more down to earth. I’m not sure what the magic recipe is for that. I met with several ladies this time around, most of them for the first time, and despite me actually quite picky about who I do business with (rough ballpark in NV is maybe one-in-four out of any given lineup, maybe even less), I ended up booking time with anyone I was able to talk longer with, and feeling most of that time was well spent. Personalities have varied widely, but each time I meet a working lady there I feel like I could get along with her just hanging out, which makes things so much easier.
For those who like some train wreck action, the trip’s encounters were not 100% pristine... I did have one epic dumpster fire conversation/negotiation in some other location not to be named. I prefer to be somewhat transparent with occasional fails/complications (be they mine or someone else’s), so that people understand that shit just happens sometimes. I hesitate to share too many specifics but definitely overall hostile and manipulative and utterly confusing (the kind of Who's on First shit that makes it hard to tell if someone is seriously goofy or fucking with you), and definitely the longest negotiation I've ever done. Maybe any conversation that starts off with a stranger incorrectly saying ~"good to see you again" is bound for trouble. Suffice to say it is quite possible between for someone who at first glance comes off as extremely physically attractive to turn that easy win into a giant “L” over the course of a chat (even despite a very competitive pricing offer which seemed counter-intuitive, assuming one could even trust it as for real). Hilariously that individual also seemed to have no recognition of such a thing being relevant and appeared confused that there was another factor in play other than just "hotness." Maybe for some percent of dudes who come through the door this is true? Perhaps it was an extreme off-day for her – one of a few reasons for this to stay anonymous, but that encounter stole the top spot for “comically bad brothel conversation” from a previous 2023 title holder who was drunk and started aggro-spouting end-of-days rants at me.
As far as the more pleasant parts I’m not one to report on party specifics, though of those that I managed to get around to all experiences were various types of positive and the worst thing I could say was one time someone in one party was distracted, which I mostly found funny. Each person has their own styles varying in conversation, humor, physicality, sensuality, etc. All were interesting in their own ways, and those occasions where me trying to make use of my time there despite being a malfunctioning zombie resulted in some biological resistance, the time was still pleasant (an interesting sort of stress test actually, even if not ideal). If life/time allows for it I would be happy to see any of them again.
That said one extra-special lady decided (through whatever combination of her own default style and selection) that I was worthy of some closer emotional treatment, which registers differently and which I try to treat that with a high degree of care. I follow a sort of brothel-modified better-than-never-at-all philosophy there, and my personal background with psychological/”spiritual” matters has given me some very heterodox stances on the nature of such things, but someone choosing to be certain types of kind or sweet toward me is never going to be something I treat cavalierly, even within the realm of sex work. At the least, outside of just pleasure and comfort-seeking I consider my SW adventures part of an exploration and learning process I which I am subjecting myself to, but some things are also more meaningful than just the education. It’s been too rare of a thing in my life for someone in close to be meaningfully kind that I don’t currently pass on the opportunity, even knowing inevitable separation is coming. The lonely three-day car ride home though is a rough one.
So thank you to both ladies and staff out there in Elko. It was a nice “vacation” and now I am back to my normal mostly-boring life and will likely not be back for the better part of a year. I wish everyone good holiday season and new year in the meantime. As for any onlookers, while I do think there is good to be found in most of the houses/areas NV has to offer, I do put my personal recommendation more with the north and Elko for now, especially for someone like me who is much more concerned about attitudes and atmosphere being more friendly/casual/down-to-earth than I do about fancier facilities or social/media presence. Do with that what you may according to your own preferences.