Author Topic: NV ghost stories, ufo's, and other haunted NV experiences you have seen  (Read 4630 times)


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Nevada is big and we all know there's something out there. With Halloween coming, perhaps some one has a storie or two that we might like to hear about. I'll tell ya mine first to start it off. I was returning to Las Vegas about 5 miles from Indian Wells a bright arrowhead diamond object was  lifting straight up very rapidly and suddenly it it had vanished instantly. Other cars and trucks had stopped and were watching too. I stopped by the mini mart at Indian Wells and asked the clerk about what I saw. He said the Government were developing "invisibilty" (cloaking). WOW-stealth and cloaking visibility.No , I don't think they were run by lttle green or grey men. The clerk said he sees it all the time/

Sorry, I can't be more exciting but that is what it is--Indian Wells is on the Area 51 property. I'd love to hear more stories............



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Re: NV ghost stories, ufo's, and other haunted NV experiences you have seen
« Reply #1 on: %866 %17, %2009, %1:%Oct:%th %p »
My only story relates to getting ready for Halloween.

As usual, I like to put up a lot of scary stuff outside.

I live in the country on a dirt driveway.

Usually (like this year) I start collecting bodies about 2-3 weeks beforehand, so by Halloween they are nice and ripe, and well snacked on by the coyotes.

Well, this year it has been so HOT the dang bodies are not only all bloated, but they are REALLY starting to SMELL.

I am afraid we will have NO trick or treat visitors once again.....

Oh ya, and it is ALL because of those BLACK HELICOPTERS!


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Re: NV ghost stories, ufo's, and other haunted NV experiences you have seen
« Reply #2 on: %079 %17, %2009, %1:%Oct:%th %p »
So that is where the black helicopters are. The black SUV's are all out in front of my house with funny little antennas up in the air. Whats that about????

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Re: NV ghost stories, ufo's, and other haunted NV experiences you have seen
« Reply #3 on: %738 %23, %2009, %1:%Oct:%rd %p »
Back in the days before the stealth stuff was announced or mentioned this occurred.

Was approaching LV from the north on I-15 in the evening a little after dark. Noticed an odd colored and pattern of lights on a likely aircraft, which came toward the freeway climbing sharply. Then it turned toward the north/northwest, the light went out. From prior experience knew the pattern and color wasn't the standard for normal aircraft; so suspose it might have been one of these stealth planes.